Who or what is a Wonkette?

Wonkette was founded by Gawker Media in January 2004, under the original Wonkette Ana Marie Cox, as a DC gossip and politics blog. Then they sold it. AND THEN GAWKER DIED.

In 2012, Ken Layne sold Wonkette to me, a then-39-year-old then-unemployed then-single mother then in Los Angeles. I’m Rebecca Schoenkopf. I’ve worked in newspapers since 1991 (seriously), have a master’s from USC in specialized journalism focusing on urban policy, and have taught journalism and political science in the University of California system.

Since I couldn’t do this alone, and since I threw out all the moneychangers in my temple and let God and the universe and our readers provide, I’ve hired Doktor Zoom, Evan Hurst, Robyn Pennacchia, and Stephen E. Robinson (SER) full-time with excellent health care, as well as terrific regular freelancers like Sara Benincasa, Liz Dye, Gary Legum, Michael Mora, Erik Loomis, Martini Ambassador, Ziggy Wiggy on the movie nights, Cakes We Like in the bake shop, and Hooper, your Friday night bartender.

I also hired Shypixel, a commenter, and then I married him and did a baby.

We’ve been pretty busy yo.

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Wonkette is truly independent news and commentary funded only by you. But it’s also a hell of a community.

We post roughly a dozen news stories a day about just about everything you need to know, on politics, policy, the environment, labor, racism and sexism and the lunatic right wing. We’re liberal, terrible, hilarious, usually safe for work pottymouths who know what the hell we’re talking about. Stick around long enough, and you will too.

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I'm Rebecca. From Wonkette.
Freelance photojournalist. 🇺🇸🇨🇦 Seen in AP, WaPo, WSJ, NPR, DW, Der Spiegel, Le Point, etc. No flash, hold fast.
Writer. Lovable curmudgeon. Seen at The Contemptor, IJR, Salon, Wonkette, Daily Beast, Alternet, McSweeney's, some technical and PR docs you never read.
Your friendly neighborhood Puerto Rican Political Freelance Writer for @wonkette. When I’m not busy writing, I’m busy reading. Pop Culture observer, Amateur Movie reviewer & Comics fan. U.S. Marine veteran. All opinions are mine only.
Marcie Jones lives in Baltimore City with her neurotic dog.
Author, TV/film writer, actor
Writer and sea captain based in Vancouver/unceded Musqueam territory. Senior Canadian correspondent for Wonkette.
Self-taught baker, part-time history student, and full-time border collie owner who lost half her vision due to Diabetes complications way back in 2017. I've not let it stop me. I'm also a guest writer on Wonkette.
I have been trying to figure out my audience for decades, and it looks like you're it.
Wonkette writer and senior editor. He/him. Born at 318.43 ppm atmospheric carbon. I'm just an animal, looking for a home.
Liz Dye is a columnist at Above the Law, contributor at Wonkette and Public Notice, presenter at Legal Eagle, and co-host of the Law and Chaos podcast.
managing editor of Wonkette, executive editor and proprietor of The Moral High Ground
Beautiful but doesn't know it.
Pretty sure getting one of these is a legal requirement now.
A fencer, bartender, husband, father, and punk rock fan. Mixologist in residence at Wonkette.
Wonkette Movie Night Writer. Photographer. New Yorker. Cat servant to Harry & Bear. 🌈🏳‍🌈
Shut up! I am too a floozy.
I make orange look good.
I live in France, do France stuff, post a bit about it here. I also do the weekday Tabs header gifs for your favorite publication, Wonkette.com.