An Exciting Opportunity To Be Larry Craig's Summer Intern!

It's that time of year again, and the Hill is looking for 2008's crop of ambitious, savvy whippersnappers to make up its corps of summer interns! They'll get to organize back room deals and schmooze with the fat cats, but mostly, they'll learn that running America isn't all it's cracked up to be. And if you're a summer intern for Idaho Sen. Larry Craig, who knows what else you'll be forced to do?
Our good senior senator from Idaho is an important man in Washington and wields power that reverberates nationwide. Just ask the salmon of Idaho River -- they know what's up. So what are the massive qualifications a young sprite needs to work for such a man?:
Hard-working, independent, resourceful team-players; strong writing and researching skills; interest in government and the political process; juniors or seniors in college, or recent graduates; preference is given to Idaho students attending Idaho colleges and universities.
So the most difficult part of getting a Larry Craig summer internship is that you have to be from Idaho, which no one is. What will Craig offer the lucky few interns?:
"Interns have the chance to be an essential part of a working congressional office," said Craig. "They participate in the legislative process as well as ensure that constituent services run smoothly. For those interested in politics, it is an incredible opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at how our government functions while serving the people of Idaho."
Will anyone apply to be an intern for the good gay senior senator from Idaho, Larry Craig, this summer?
News Release: Craig Accepting Applications for Summer Interns [ Larry Craig's Senate Page ]