Elon Musk Boosting German Fascists, What Could Possibly Go Wrong
His politics are so mysterious!

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before: a bigoted industrialist who owns a giant car company has endorsed a far-right German political party full of Nazis that aims to purify Europe by casting out groups of people it considers to be its lessers, if not downright subhuman. Ha ha, no, it’s not Henry Ford, but we sure fooled you.
We are of course speaking of Elon Musk, the shitty prop comic currently cosplaying as America’s shadow president. Musk’s politics have never been particularly mysterious, unless you are a political reporter for The New York Times. He’s a right-winger who grew up in apartheid-era South Africa, and one of his first actions when he bought Twitter two years ago was to let tons of racists and bigots the previous ownership had banned back onto the platform, such that it now resembles a Munich beer hall in 1933 or a meeting of the White Citizens Council in Alabama in the late 1950s. It wasn’t exactly subtle, Jeremy Peters, if you are reading this!
So, we hate to engage in hyperbole or cause a scene, but we think it is maybe bad that Musk on Friday endorsed a far-right party full of neo-Nazis to take over Germany. Not to be too alarmist, but historically such takeovers have gone poorly not only for Germany and all of Europe, but also for the rest of the planet:
Save Germany from what, exactly? Oh, you know, immigrant hordes, Jews, socialism, environmental activism, America, the EU, Target celebrating Pride Month, and whatever else terrifies white people like Elon Musk when they think about going outside.
The woman in the video Musk retweeted is Naomi Seibt, a 24-year-old far-right influencer with an unfortunate – or we suppose fortunate, depending on your point of view – physical resemblance to the Gaede twins of Prussian Blue fame. She is very upset that no one wants to form a coalition government with her party full of Nazi enthusiasts, telling her audience that AfD’s possible exclusion would mean the continuation of Germany’s “eco-socialist national suicide.” Oh boy, where have we heard that sort of thing before?
We have written about Seibt before, back when she was being touted as the “anti-Greta Thunberg” by the Heartland Institute as it campaigned to convince Americans that global warming is a hoax. Seibt’s mother, it turned out, was a lawyer for Alternative for Germany (AfD), the far-right party of neo-Nazis that Elon Musk is so enthusiastic about.
The endorsement falls neatly in line with the support the AfD has received from other people in Donald Trump’s orbit, who share the party’s virulent anti-immigrant views. Trump’s ambassador to Germany in his first term, Richard Grenell, famously pissed off the German government by cozying up to the AfD, even though the nation’s own domestic intelligence agencies have classified the party as an extremist organization and a threat.
And Steve Bannon has a history with AfD, having tried to recruit the party into his plan to unite all the far-right national populist parties in Europe to form a sort of “supergroup” in the European Union Parliament a few years ago.
Musk’s recognition would be a much bigger boost for a party that has earned seats in state parliaments and is expected to get around 19% of the vote in Germany’s upcoming federal elections. Also a party that just saw several of its local office-holders arrested for participating in a plot to take over regions in the eastern part of Germany, establish Nazi-inspired regimes, and carry out ethnic cleansing. Neat.
The AfD sucks so hard that after one of its representatives in the European Parliament claimed that not everyone who ever joined the SS was a criminal, Marine Le Pen announced that her party would end its association with them. Imagine being such a Nazi German bigot that the Nazi French bigots want nothing to do with you.
Imagine if Henry Ford had been Herbert Hoover’s closest advisor in 1931, at the same time the Nazis were on the rise. That would have been bad, right? Well, somehow that’s what America is getting. First time as tragedy, second time as farce, etc.
Help support Wonkette in its battle against worldwide Nazism and dark Germanic beer.
When you're too Nazi for the Vichys, there's a problem that you're Naziing.
Well lookee there. Turns out calling them nazis wasn’t hyperbolic.
I have a few people I would love to call to tell “I told you so.” Except I cut them out of my lives for voting for this shitlord.