Is It Friday Already/Yet? Yr Wonkette Roundup!
What a nutty week! (716th consecutive week of saying this)
Our morning Tabs, by Robyn, were the best ever, according to a staycationing Rebecca, who said they were the perfect mix of “a bunch of important stuff and a bunch of bullshit,” which we think may actually belong in Wonkette’s mission statement, should we ever have one.
Was there Trumpworld news? You know there was, and it was as stupid as you’d imagine!
MyPillow guy Mike Lindell may not be an actual Trump, but he puts in the grifting effort, especially when he’s trying to avoid responsibility. Just like the Great Man!
We also covered what’s known so far, and what isn’t, about the horrifying death of Nex Benedict, a sweet nonbinary teen in Oklahoma who should be playing with their cat Zeus now, not the focus of news coverage. But this is the world hateful christian nationalist bigots have brought on us.
As ever, we had multiple cases of Rightwing politicians and media being idiots, too:
Are you up for some labor history? Hope so, because the story of the 1864 strike by laundry women in Troy, New York is a good reminder that women were in the forefront of the labor union from the get-go.
Another day, another story of greedhead private equity bastards ruining an outstanding digital news organization. Goodbye, VICE, you’ll be missed!
This also seems like a good place to remind you that Wonkette has no corporate overlords that we’re beholden to, so if you value our brilliant daily mix of a bunch of important stuff and a bunch of bullshit, a donation will help us keep bringing you both!
Joe Biden is slapping more sanctions on Russia, for good reasons, and we have thoughts on who else may need sanctioning:
And finally, this being Friday at last, here is your weekly cocktail by Hooper, including a fascinating history of modern bourbon that news to Dok Zoom and others!
Have a great weekend! We love you! Remember to hydrate!