LibsOfTikTok Knows Who To Blame For Los Angeles Fires, It Is Black People And LGBT People And Women And ...
Everyone in this post is going to hell when they die.

The fires in Los Angeles are so awful it’s hard to put into words, and as we’re writing this, it’s Wednesday night, so we don’t know what the news will look like come morning.
Pacific Palisades, between Santa Monica and Malibu, has been devastated, and parts of those communities have been affected too. Altadena, above Pasadena, has been terrorized by the Eaton Fire, and the first five deaths were reported there. Last night around 5:45 p.m., a new fire, the Sunset Fire, blew up in the Hollywood Hills in Runyon Canyon and just … Jesus Christ. Thousands of homes and other buildings have been destroyed. Late last night, suddenly a new fire blew up in Studio City.
It’s so, so, so awful.
For the latest, check out the Los Angeles Times, unless its MAGA clownfuck owner decides he needs to balance the coverage out by allowing the fires to share their opinions.
Speaking of, MAGA Americans are complete and absolute garbage, so they’re spending this time deciding which minorities they can blame the fire on.
Like Chaya Raichik, AKA the friendless loser behind the LibsOfTikTok Twitter account. If anybody on this earth is going to hell, it’s Chaya Raichik, and we don’t even personally believe in hell, but we believe in God’s ability to build one if somebody is that vile.
Jamelle Bouie BlueSkied this screengrab of Raichik whining that “The LA Fire Dept passed a ‘racial equity plan’ to end ‘systemic, institutional, and structural racism’ in LA. Part of it is a chart to map out the race of every employee to make sure they’re racially diverse enough.”
In case that’s too subtle for you, she’s suggesting that these fires that are raging out of control are somehow not being properly fought because Black people work for the fire department. And of course, Elon Musk, perhaps the country’s currently most prominent Nazi/white supremacist/whatever the fuck you want to call that goddamned son of a bitch, gleefully responded, “They prioritized DEI over saving lives and homes.”
That’s not all Raichik had to offer. “This is the leadership team at the Los Angeles Fire Department,” she tweeted. Don’t know why it’s so offensive to her, just kidding it’s because she’s a mouthbreathing, anti-LGBT, misogynistic racist scumbag piece of human dogshit. As Aaron Rupar notes, Jesse Watters used this in his monologue last night, because he is also all those things.
Speaking of Jesse Watters, on both of the Fox News shows he appears on, he used yesterday to complain that the firefighters can’t get any water because Gavin Newsom won’t build any reservoirs and “Gavin's been tearing down dams. Why? Because the Indians wanted some of the river back so they could catch salmon. Gavin didn't just knock down one dam for the Indians, he knocked down all four.”
He continued, “Gavin's literally tearing down western civilization for fish and Indians. Nothing against the Indians, I love the Indians. But really?”
Again, that’s Jesse Watters, taking a break from seething because that bitch “Canada” won’t put out for Donald Trump, to blame the fires on “fish and Indians,” though he insists that “I love the Indians.”
Also, with a straight face, he played that clip of Donald Trump years ago saying Finland doesn’t have these fires because they rake the forest.
You know, because that’s relevant to these fires that have been exploded into being by the Santa Ana Winds that come flying down the mountains.
Sean Hannity, probably the stupidest personality on the entire network, played the same clip, calling it “common sense, the science of forestry.”
Not that any of the grunting MAGA livestock who think Fox News is “The News” would have any clue how goddamned stupid it is for Watters and Hannity to bring that up.
Yesterday, Charlie Kirk, fresh off his circle jerk trip to Greenland with Donald Trump Jr., bitched that the real problem with the emergency briefings about the fires were all these ASL interpreters taking up too much space on his TV screen. “I have nothing against, obviously, people that cannot hear,” he explained, except it just bothers him when he has to be too aware of it. Why can’t deaf people just be happy with closed captioning? Can’t those assholes sit close enough to the TV to read at all times so Charlie Kirk’s face doesn’t get even more deformed than usual because the ASL interpreter is upsetting him?
Meanwhile, Donald Trump has continued to scream about how this is all Gavin Newsom’s fault — called him “Newscum” because he is the classiest piece of shit in the country. He told all kinds of completely made-up lies, and, like the ignorant moron he is, he babbled yesterday about how “Beverly Hills and areas around Beverly Hills are being decimated.” At least as of this writing, the fires have not remotely touched Beverly Hills.
Anything to avoid the obvious truth that this is happening because of climate change, because when it’s hotter and drier, the fires get worse and worse. Ta-da! It doesn’t matter how many neighborhood kids you hire to rake the forest.
There is no natural disaster these people and their media will not use to demonstrate what pigfucking Nazi trash they are. And we only scratched the surface of everything they’re saying, every way they’re using this disaster to hurt people they believe they’re superior to.
But just overall, we must note, as we need to note in literally every post probably for the next four years, that any assessment of anything political — any punditry about political messaging, any analysis about how Democrats are out of touch with Average American People — that doesn’t factor in that these motherfuckers have a fully developed and metastasized ecosystem for lying to people 24/7, is a bullshit political assessment.
The entire fight is against these people who seed the discourse with lies, disinformation and sick fucking propaganda, and their lying criminal-in-chief who will be inaugurated January 20.
God be with everyone in Los Angeles right now.
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My favorite is that allllll of these folks bitching about DEI have absolutely no problem with a new presidential cabinet filled entirely with inexperienced hacks from tv and entertainment.
Representative Jasmine Crockett said it best:
"we have been good enough to build this country, we are good enough to serve and die overseas, we are good enough to serve in other ways. And the fact that people actually decide that they want to engage in public service, whether it’s sitting in Congress or whether it’s serving on the fire department or the police department, should not be an issue...stop trying to act as if only White men are the ones that are capable"