Look, Honey, The Alitos Put Up Another Treason Flag
America's most easily triggered couple triggered again.
Somebody must be calling Martha-Ann Alito a C-word at the beach too.
Alternately, we reckon maybe the women gallivanting around the beach lately have struck Mrs. Alito as the kind who frequent saloons, and she felt she had to send a message.
Regardless, it’s time for the Alitos to overthrow the country again by flying another treason flag!
Of course, we are assuming it’s Martha-Ann’s fault, since Sam blamed it on her the first time. Otherwise it’s possible Ginni Thomas got drunk on Ambien and went night-flagging.
It couldn’t be that Samuel Alito, the puniest, most insignificant little pissant who ever sat on the Supreme Court, is really hanging these flags himself. Heaven forfend! He is a serious person, after all. And are his little old man legs strong enough to climb ladders like that?
Besides, in traditional Christian patriarchy houses, mommy changes the seasonal flags. It just always happens to be Treason Season at the various casas Alitos.
The New York Times reports (gift link) that last summer at the Alitos’ beach house in New Jersey, they flew the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, an explicitly Christian nationalist flag that was all over the January 6 insurrection, along with a couple other flags that didn’t advocate for the overthrow of the United States government. Even the New York Times wants to make sure you know, nah, this is explicitly Christian nationalist.
This is a different flag from the one they flew in Virginia, which was an upside down American flag because Mayday, Mayday, the guy they didn’t like won the election, won’t someone do something about it like attack Congress maybe.
We are talking about a Supreme Court justice of the United States, and he’s doing all of this while he’s ruling on cases specifically related to Republican MAGA terrorist/insurrectionist efforts to steal the 2020 election. Right now, Alito is set to be allowed to squeak open his shitmouthed maw anew, and have a say on whether Donald Trump will ever be held accountable for the terrorist attack he incited against the country in order to overturn that election and overthrow the government. Again, we want to be as clear as possible: Samuel Alito is on the Supreme Court. Samuel Alito is currently helping decide whether Trump and his thousands of Proud Boy/military and law enforcement losers can get in trouble for trying to violently, by force, overthrow the government. And Samuel Alito flew two different flags at two different houses that specifically were flags begging Jesus and maybe some Proud Boys/military and law enforcement losers to Please Help Trump Overthrow the Government.
To call this highly inappropriate would suggest that the current illegitimate partisan hack Supreme Court even still has standards or commands respect.
Look, you can even see it — it’s the top one, in the place of honor — in their Google street view:
Sweet Jesus, on top of their insurrectionist kinks, these people are just fucking tacky.
Bet she’s got whimsically decorated treason vests and sweatshirts too.
As you might know by now, according at least to Samuel Alito’s account — and he’d never lie! — Martha-Ann put up the upside down American flag in Virginia because one of the neighbors called her a cunt, and moreover had a yard sign that was mean to poor Donald Trump. No word on whether it was the first time that day she’d raised a flag, or been called that name. Regardless, who among us has not hoisted a flag upon such an occasion?
Of course, that one also coincided with the time period when “stop the steal” pigfuck traitors and terrorists from around the country were converging upon Washington to try to overturn the election Trump lost.
The Times has some very interesting context on what this latest flag is, and the influential Christian nationalist — perhaps the most influential of them all — who’s turned it into his calling card. If the Alitos didn’t buy this flag on Christian Terrorist Etsy, maybe they got it as a key party stocking stuffer from this guy, who just loves him some Alito:
Until about a decade ago, the Appeal to Heaven flag was mostly a historical relic. But since then it has been revived to represent “a theological vision of what the United States should be and how it should be governed,” said Matthew Taylor, a religion scholar at the Institute of Islamic, Christian and Jewish Studies. He is also the author of a forthcoming book tracing how a right-wing Christian author and speaker who repopularized the flag helped propel Mr. Trump’s attempt to overturn the election.
That figure, Dutch Sheets, has led a yearslong campaign to present the flag to political figures, including Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and vice-presidential pick, and an Indiana gubernatorial candidate whom Mr. Sheets wrapped in the flag at a recent rally. Republican members of Congress and state officials have displayed the flag as well, among them Doug Mastriano, a Pennsylvania state senator and a leader of the “Stop the Steal” campaign. The highest-ranking elected official known to show the flag is Representative Mike Johnson, who hung it at his office last fall shortly after becoming speaker of the House.
What, were you not ready for the punchline that Christian extremist Mike Johnson also has the Christian terrorist flag outside his office?
As the Times explains, the idea of an “appeal to Heaven,” as the flag states, is that there’s no one else left to turn to:
The phrase “appeal to heaven” comes from the 17th-century philosopher John Locke, who wrote of a responsibility to rebel, even use violence, to overthrow unjust rule. “It’s a paraphrase for trial by arms,” Anthony Grafton, a historian at Princeton University, said in an interview. “The main point is that there’s no appeal, there’s no one else you can ask for help or a judgment.”
Read the whole thing to really get an understanding of how many places of power Dutch Sheets has slithered into, and you’ll see that our offhand suggestion Sheets might have personally sent this flag to the Alitos isn’t unreasonable. (Federalist Society creep Leonard Leo has one of the Christian terrorist flags outside his house too! He and Alito are extremely, extremely close. Why, Leo helped Alito get the wingnut welfare job he currently has, even though he’s not remotely qualified for it.)
If Samuel Alito’s wife did in fact hang these flags, it just tells us she’s just as much of a whinyass titty baby prick as her husband, who never misses an opportunity these days to whine at America that people are mean to him about his illegitimate partisan hack rulings. Literally, the most recent story before this one with the name “Alito” on it was that he may have sold Anheuser-Busch stock because he, too, was upset that Bud Light allowed transgender woman Dylan Mulvaney to hold one of its cans.
These are not serious people, and they are not good people.
Of course, as Dahlia Lithwick smartly argues, none of this is really about Alito, or about Clarence Thomas, or about whichever conservative justice is currently reaching into their Depends and smearing feces all over the American experiment.
This is about how there is literally no check or balance to get this rogue cell of self-appointed conservative gods under control. Senate Democrats, led by Dick Durbin on the Judiciary Committee, won’t lift a finger to do dick. He won’t investigate Alito. (The fact that Senate Democrats haven’t had the testicular fortitude to spend the last two years countering House Republicans by holding an endless parade of their own hearings to control the narrative for Biden and the Democrats is an absolute dereliction of duty.)
But Lithwick argues that even so, Senate Democrats aren’t the problem. It’s us, and our willingness to let this fuckery slide. Long block quote, because YOLO, this piece is a million words already:
[R]ather than hurling ourselves headlong into the “Alito Must Recuse” brick wall of “yeah, no,” we need to dedicate the upcoming election cycle, and the attendant election news cycle, to a discussion of the courts. Not just Alito or Thomas, who happen to go to work every day at the court, and not just Dobbs and gun control, which happen to have come out of the very same court, but the connection between those two tales: what it means to have a Supreme Court that is functionally immune from political pressure, from internal norms of behavior, from judicial ethics and disclosure constraints, and from congressional oversight, and why that is deeply dangerous. More so, why justices who were placed on the court to behave as well-compensated partisan politicians would do so in public as well as on paper. Until we do that, Alito will continue to fly around the world, giving speeches about his triumph in Dobbs and Thomas will keep taking gifts and failing to disclose them. That won’t be the end of the Supreme Court story; it will be just the start of it. […]
An imperial court is the problem, not Martha-Ann Alito’s childish tantrums and not whatever her husband will tell Fox News tomorrow about how the haters made him fly a Christian nationalist flag as the court took on the mifepristone case. Please don’t let the rapid riptides of the news cycle or the sense that God wants us all to live under the fist of an imperial court forever and ever, amen, distract from the fact that term limits, court expansion, an inspector general, and filibuster reform, all of this is possible, and none of it is happening in the wake of the Alito flag revelations, just as none of it was happening when Ginni Thomas showed up at an insurrection rally.
Expanding the court isn’t some kind of activist position. It should be the mainstream Democratic position, hell or high water. Win the 2024 presidential election, keep the Senate, win back the House, GROW SOME FUCKING DICKS and use them to count out eight (8) new seats on the Court, to be filled by eight (8) 40-year-old multiracial transgender women Biden will appoint to fill them.
Leave the conservatives out in the cold for good. Don’t worry, they’ll have their Christian terrorist flags to keep them nice and warm.
[New York Times / Slate]

I'm Sam Alito And I Don't Know What Possessed My Wife To 'Stop The Steal' Like A Dang Ginni Thomas!
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These people would shit railroad spikes if Elena Kagan's husband flew an Antifa or BLM flag over his house.
And John Roberts is the Worst Hall Monitor EVAR
Jeff Tiedrich on Dick Durbin not doing dick about Alito:
"right now there’s an election-denying, insurrectionist-loving Christian Nationalist sitting on the Court, poised to make Dear Leader’s assertion that laws are bullshit and I should get to crime all I want a reality. is this what you want, Dick?
enough with these weak-tea calls for recusal. Alito isn’t going to recuse. he believes he’s on a mission from God to save America from the unwashed heathen horde. if you’re a god-bothering zealot, you don’t recuse yourself from a Holy War. calls for Steal Stoppin’ Sammy to resign are equally futile. it’s never going to happen.
Congress needs to impeach Sam Alito’s insurrectionist ass.
it all starts with you, Dick Durbin. hear that phone ringing? America is calling.
wake up, grow a spine and do your fucking job."