Hi hi everybody! Rebecca here with Dom’s beautiful photos, coming at you from Milwaukee!
Shy and I picked up Robyn in Chicago and the whole way to Milwaukee I was feeling … palpitatey, you know? Full of dread and silence. Why on earth were we having a party to make ourselves a target to every frothing outraged lunatic in a five state area?
And then we got there, and more and more friends started showing up, and Evan said something so funny, lost to the sands of last night, that I started laughing so hard I wasn’t scared anymore!
And that’s, obviously, why you read Wonkette.
Here’s how this week’s gonna go: Everybody’s still sleeping upstairs and I’m so nice I’m not waking them up. We’re going to throw a couple few posts at you in the morning and then scatter to the convention site and throw you a post like “here is a picture and two sentences” and then “Here is another picture and two sentences.” Shit like that, you know! Don’t expect an end of day post at the regular time, maybe it will come later! Maybe it won’t come at all!
NB: Everybody right now is getting a notice to subscribe even while they are logged in and subscribed, including me! So it’s a glitch and I’ve pointed it out to the substack overlords. HOWEVER! Your subscription also might have actually ended since we just got our first wave of annual renewals YESTERDAY! We’ll figure it out when it all comes out in the wash.
Ain't no party like a Wonkette party, 'cause a Wonkette party's got all yer beautiful faces.
Some good-looking colleagues right there. Nobody report me to HR!