Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.
They’re trying so hard.
Last night, Laura Ingraham had Raymond Arroyo, that little walking nervous tic “Kick me” sign she has on regularly to talk about pop culture or something, and heavens and mercy, they had a right belly laugh together!
Are you sitting down? You are going to laugh so hard with your elegant Laura Ingraham scoffing voice, like HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! (You pronounce the commas.)
Joe Biden was saying a thing about a telescope during his AI event yesterday, and he said the “web telescope!” (Webb Telescope.) Silly Joe Biden, telescopes are called “Hubble!” They are not called “webs!” Dumb silly Joe Biden HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!
Fox News host Laura Ingraham was forced to deliver an on-air correction in the middle of her show after a crack about President Joe Biden instead exposed her own ignorance.
Aw damn.
“AI is all around us. Much of it is making our lives better,” Biden said. “And AI is helping the National Weather Service predict weather events, helping the Webb Telescope manage half a million miles of galaxies away — billions of light-years away.”
Biden stumbled over the word “telescope,” which Ingraham and Arroyo found hilarious.
“Good lord,” Arroyo said as Ingraham rolled her eyes and sternly shook her head.
“Did he call it the web telescope?” Ingraham said after the two bantered about AI. “Isn’t it Hubble? Is he thinking of web Hubble? I don’t understand.”
“Who knows,” Arroyo said, as the two laughed.
Who knows! Good lord! Naming telescopes after the cobwebs in our brain again, Joe Biden?
Here’s the video of those two mental wizards and their very good brains, captured by Andrew Lawrence:
Midway through the show, Ingraham was forced to do a correction, which shows you the exact extent of how stupid these imbeciles looked in real time. This is, after all, a network where Brian Kilmeade is permitted to swim freely on a daily basis.
“All right. There is a Webb Telescope,” she admitted with a laugh, stumbling several times herself over the word “telescope” ― something they had both mocked Biden over only a minute earlier. “I stand corrected by Joe Biden.”
Not the first time, won’t be the last.
HuffPost has a nice refresher on the James Webb telescope, AKA pretty much the most famous telescope in the goddamn world right now, AKA a thing even the mouthbreathing windsocks on Fox News have ooh-ed and aah-ed over with glee when they weren’t busy on worldwide Carmen Sandiego expeditions for Hunter Biden’s cock. An important fact they point out here:
It’s 100 times more powerful than the Hubble Space Telescope that Ingraham had confused it with, and, as Biden mentioned, scientists are using AI help analyze its images.
And yesterday’s event was about AI. So Joe Biden was right on target.
At press time, Donald Trump was either cumming all over his plastic ketchup protector dropcloths because he figured out that “U.S.” and “us” are spelled the same; or babbling again that Hungary and Russia share a border (they do not, but maybe Trump is using a map Putin gave him); or accusing highly respected military leaders of treason; or saying windmills are causing all the orcas to need Zoloft; or asking if US veterans have cell phones; or bragging about the dementia test he allegedly aced in 2018.
Any of those is a legitimate possibility.
But Joe Biden correctly identified a telescope, and Laura Ingraham and some guy whose face looks like he’s advertising a hot new fragrance called “Incontinence” have never heard of that telescope before, because they’re malignant morons with raccoons in their brains.
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Here is a James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) story you won't see in your fancy pants science journals.
I work for the place that runs JWST and the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The day or day after the first JWST images were released (July 2022), Jimmy Buffett did a concert in Baltimore, where we're located. He was apparently into space stuff and the mission project manager was a Jimmy Buffett fan and somehow they got hooked up Jimmy got a tour of our Mission Operation Center and showed some of the images at his concert.
A couple of months later, we had a big employee picnic and I won two tickets to any US Jimmy Buffett show in 2022 or 2023. I'm not much of a fan, but I like concerts so that was kind of cool. I figured I would wait until this summer when he swung through Baltimore, but I was talking to my brother about it and he said he had a bunch of Southwest points, so we flew to Las Vegas in March and saw him a the MGM. We got the tickets from Will Call right before the show. 4th row center. We got to our seats and my brother said to me "We don't deserve this." There was a very diverse crowd of old white people so we fit right in. And the show was fun. He was there for his fans, not trying to make any new converts, and clearly was enjoying himself. And it turned out to be one of the last shows he did before he died.
In summary, I saw Jimmy Buffett in Las Vegas because of JWST.
A guy from my group in grad school, Randy Kimble, just topped off a distinguished career as the Integration and Test Manager for the Webb -- when it came to questions of "do these things all work together?" and "will they work at all?", the buck stopped with him.
The guy probably didn't sleep for, oh, 20 years. And .... Laura Ingraham can't be bothered.