Republicans Are The Lannisters Of American Politics
It's your very 'Game Of Thrones' Sunday show rundown.
The HBO series "Game Of Thrones" dominated television until it ended with mixed feelings in 2019. Despite the sword and sorcery elements, the series managed to engage a wide audience through its political intrigue as the ruling houses schemed to win everything.
One of those houses, the Lannisters, was rich , incestuous and ruthless — similar to the Republican Party except Republicans have few if any of the Lannisters' positive traits.
The Lannisters, Unlike The Republicans, "Always Pay Their Debts"
The Lannisters' unofficial motto of "A Lannister always pay his debts" is a fine financial position but also a warning to enemies that they will always settle the score. While Republicans certainly settle their political scores, keeping a promise for repayment is more tenuous, which Republican Rep. Byron Donalds from Florida demonstrated on NBC's "Meet The Press."
Donalds decried the Biden Administration and the Democratic Party for not just blankly giving in to the Republicans' every demand as they hold the world's financial stability hostage. But all the talking points collapsed after Chuck Todd played a clip of then-President Trump discussing the debt ceiling.
Donalds comes from the same political cesspool as Matt Gaetz and Ron DeSantis , so he gave the game away with zero shame.
DONALDS: Well, first of all, he also said the other day on a rival network that he said that when he was president, and when they asked why he wasn't saying it now, he said because he's not president. Listen, Donald Trump is always negotiating —
TODD: Do you realize how absurd that sounds?
DONALDS: That is not absurd. He's always negotiating, Chuck.
TODD: How is that not absurd? It's absurd.
DONALDS: Chuck, he's always negotiating. That's what he does. And it's actually one of the reasons why so many deals for our country worked out to our benefit, as compared to his predecessors, both Republican and Democrat, because he's always negotiating.
TODD: But do you realize how partisan that sounds?
DONALDS: That is not a partisan statement.
TODD: "What is – what is good for me is not for thee." He's basically saying, "When I'm president, –
You know how stupid and nakedly partisan you have to be for anyone in mainstream political media to call it out, much less Chuck "Both Sides" Todd?!
Donalds then tried a little whataboutism that was so provenly false that Chuck Fucking Todd corrected him (again).
TODD: – there's no negotiating on this. But, hey, when somebody else is president, screw them."
DONALDS: Well, no, here's the thing. Let's be – let’s be realistic now. When Donald Trump was negotiating debt ceiling with Nancy Pelosi, mind you, they negotiated that.
TODD: No, they didn't.
DONALDS: When they were –
TODD: They raised it without any restrictions.
Losing an argument to Chuck Todd should be an everlasting political wound, like Jamie Lannister's right hand.

The Republicans' Lannister-Like Cruelty And Greed
Republicans, like the fictional Lannisters, think they can somehow "shit gold" by just doing cuts that hurt everyone but the rich.Republicans said as much when a reporter asked about raising revenue to "solve" their manufactured debt crisis last week.
“Republicans groan when a reporter asks McCarthy if he's open to considering a tax increase on the wealthy”
— Aaron Rupar (@Aaron Rupar) 1684338839
When Republicans claim small businesses and family finances are like the federal government's budget (they aren't), they conveniently ignore that real world small businesses and families would have to also bring in more revenue to get out of debt. You either raise prices (businesses) or get a raise/second job (families).
The House Budget Committee Chair, Rep Jodey Arrington of Texas, was happy to show his unseriousness on ABC's "This Week."
RADDATZ: Well, the President said he’s willing to cut spending by more than a trillion dollars. [...] But he also wants Republicans to consider raising revenue. That has been a non-starter for Republicans. But will you reconsider?
ARRINGTON: No, because you couldn’t get tax policies and tax revenues in the Senate bill. We certainly weren’t going to put it in the House bill. So [...] it’s not on the table for discussion.
Then there's full-time podcaster/part-time Republican Sen. Ted Cruz on "Fox News Sunday" spitting out all kinds of bullshit , unchallenged by host Shannon Bream.
“Democrats want an army of IRS agents to harass the American people. I've yet to find someone in Texas who wants 87,000 new IRS agents!”
— Ted Cruz (@Ted Cruz) 1684711380
It's not a surprise that this lie was long debunked . But Cruz continued trying to scaremonger to protect the wealthy with some stats on revenue and spending.
CRUZ: In 2017, total government spending was about $4 trillion dollars, tax revenues were about $3.3 trillion dollars. So, we had about a $700 billion dollar deficit. Fast forward to today, total government spending has gone from $4 trillion dollars all the way up to nearly $7 trillion dollars. We nearly doubled government spending since 2017. What has tax revenue done? They've gone from $3.3 trillion dollars to right about $5 trillion dollars.
Lyin' TedCruz "conveniently" skipped the $4.9 trillion Trump added, $1.9 of it being tax cuts for the rich by fast-forwarding from 2017 to today, as if the Trump administration never existed.
Cruz's hate for IRS agents is also to shield his rich sugar daddies, as Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen made clear on "Meet The Press."
YELLEN: We have an enormous gap between the taxes we're collecting and what we should be collecting, if everyone paid the taxes that they really owe. Andthat's really a reflection of tax fraud. It amounts to an estimated $7 trillion over the next decade.[...] equipping the IRS with the funding they need to audit high-income individuals and corporations, that's something that doesn't cost money. It nets money substantially [...]
For Republicans, protecting tax fraud by the rich and corporations is better when you can also be cruel to poor people and marginalized groups.
And there's no sign that a single Tyrion Lannister resides within the Republican Party.
Have a week.
But it accurately represents his vision for America!
Keith Richards scoffs.