Saving the Face For Last!

Ever since Katherine Harris taught us about the power of God, we've been praying and praying for a picture of the now infamous "Kitty Face Cake."
And tonight, a Wonkette operative has kindly provided photographic evidence of Florida's new favorite dessert. (So long, Key Lime Pie! Adios, Arroz con Leche !)
More food pictures from Harris' primary victory party, after the jump.

On the lower right, we can clearly identify a pepperoni pizza and (presumably) the remains of another pizza, what appears to be a platter of baggette slices (possibly with a cheese topping of some kind?), a neglected fruit basket in the back and maybe a bowl of potato chips.

Kudos to the Harris campaign for not blowing money on fancy food. Campaign contributions should be spent on getting the candidate elected, not feeding expensive stuff to people who have already voted for you.
Also, check out "Uncle Sam."