Sarah Sinking So Fast That RNC Co-Chair Just Called Her 'Sarah Pawlenty'
Besides her sudden disappearance from tonight's RNC lineup, there are many other signs that Sarah Palin will be the first major-party veep nominee to drop off the ticket since George McGovern dumped Thomas Eagleton for being crazy, way back in 1972. What are the other chilling new signs of Snowbilly Loserdom?
Barack Obama hit 50% in national polls for the first time today, with the McCain-Palin ticket down to 42%.
The InTrade futures market is now offering bets on Palin dropping out.
Palin's timeline for giving birth to "Trig" is absolutely bizarre, including long flights at 36 weeks, not going to a Texas hospital after her water broke, flying 10 hours back to Alaska, and then driving past a "premier neonatal unit" at a hospital near the Anchorage airport, etc.
We are getting about a thousand emails daily like this one: "Surely you have found out by now that Governor Palin not only fired an excellent Public Safety Commissioner as part of Troopergate, but in July she appointed a sexual harrasser, Chuck Kopp, as the replacement. Because he lied about it and she didn't vet him properly, he stepped down after 10 days in the position and was given a $10,000.00 severance deal whereas the man who was fired without notice got nothing. All the documents and proof can be found in the Anchorage Daily News."
McCain campaign manager Rick Davis, being interviewed by David Gregory on MSNBC, just screwed up and said, "Governor Failin, I mean Governor Palin."
The McCain campaign is so insane over the Palin collapse that they're lashing out at CNN for simply asking for a single example of Palin commanding the Alaska National Guard -- they're so furious, they pulled McCain off tonight's Larry King show! (This actually means they just don't want old Walnuts jabbering a bunch of contradictory bullshit on teevee tonight.)
HA HA HA HA HA the gal speaking right now just announced "SarahPawlentyas vice president." This is what Jo Ann Davidson, Co-Chairman of the Republican National Committee, just said. Jesus! They're backstage arguing about how to get Pawlenty on the ticket and she wanders out and says "Sarah Pawlenty." Ha!