45 Designs That Help Establish Order In Our Chaotic Lives! Tabs, Wed., July 6, 2022
What are we reading today? SOME TABS!
"[O]nly 39 percent of Republicans believe the ease with which people can obtain weapons legally contributes to gun violence"? That is fucking insane. Meanwhile, some Yale Law professors are both-sidesing idiots. (Yale Daily News)
Red states entirely unprepared for the health and maternal mortality effects, as well as the economic ones, banning abortion is going to have on their citizens. (CNN)
No guest link for this absolute bullshits of a New York Times opinion piece arguing we shouldn't pit mothers "against" ... ectopic pregnancies, not wasting a guest link on that nonsense either.
That's okay though because Louisiana doctors are going on the record saying they won't care for women in grave, immediate danger. — Washington Post gift link
Gen Z needs to see Democrats fighting, and not against each other. (Politico)
Fuck the Supreme Court, doesn't matter if they throw their birdbrains against whatever Congress and President Joe Biden decide to do, do it anyway. " Just as a matter of political principles and how to live life, it’s a grave mistake to start pulling your punches because of what your opponents might do. That’s just defeatism, internalizing your opponents’ pretensions to power." —Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo
A baby was orphaned at the Highland Park July Fourth massacre, but you know "pro life." (CBS News)
Rosa Parks' statement against the nomination of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court! — Library of Congress
CPI, the far-Right umbrella group that employs lunatics like Mark Meadows and Cleta Mitchell and operates out of a DC brownstone, and its $20 million (at least) fundraising juggernaut, for eeeevil. (Grid)
Cory Doctorow does climate "optimism," and it is optimism. It will hurt. We must do it. (Locus Mag)
How is AI using YOUR FACE????? AIYEEE! Hello, fascinating website of fascinatingness. (How Normal Am I, EU)
Okay, I like designs. These are pretty. Let's all look at pretty things. (DI Wise)
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