A Bailout By Any Other Name
When McCain said he was dropping out of the race to fix the economy, he was really having a filthy swingers orgy, in public, with Joe and Hadassah. [ Ben Smith ]
Simulate the retarded, child-like speech patterns of national idiot Sarah Palin, with this fun word-generating internet machine! [ Andrew Sullivan ]
Bill Kristol wants McCain to suspend his campaign once more, to go fix the economy all over again. [ Weekly Standard ]
Pun abuser Maureen Dowd is BANNED from McCain's Straight Talk Air. [ Howard Kurtz ]
You know what's also on the verge of collapse? Pakistan. Pakistan has become too big and too expensive for the taxpayers. [ Matthew Yglesias ]
Maybe instead of "bailout" this thing should have been called "Economic Stability Plan" or "Hey Let's Nuke Iran" and then more Republicans would have gotten behind it. [ Politico ]