I say this as a Tennessean who has met the man a few times. Lamar Alexander has always been a lost cause. In the mom-always-said-if-you-can't-say-something-nice department, he's a pretty good piano player.

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"Republicans are an existential threat to all life on this planet, but why does Joe Biden stubbornly insist on being three years older than the presumptive GQP nominee?"

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The word appalled means to be "turned white." Bet Joe Klein doesn't know that either.

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I encourage y'all to go over to his stack and rip him a new one. I did. After the day I had yesterday, I took great satisfaction from it.

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wait wait wait

So because Democrats are our best hope, he HAS to whine about them more than the literal fascists trying to destroy everything?

Makes perfect sense.

Fucking pundits trying to weasel out of how they cheerlead for the GOP

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I can't comment. The headline! so cleansing. Only I didn't realize I needed CLEANSING till I read the what this guy said. And I can't help wondering where he sees himself-- is it seated on a cloud like one of those clouds like the Chinese ancestors -- except-- not dead yet-- but past all care? Amused, too wise to indulge in judgements-- look where that gets the Democrats. Or he daydreams of forgetting all he knows and RUNNING AWAY WITH THAT LITTLE LAUREN BOEBERT!

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Klein’s piece is such a strawman that I’m shocked I can’t see Edward Woodward burning to death inside.

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If you believe Democrats have “woke obsessions,” you are a much more pathetic wingnut than you think you are. Obsessions like equality? Or embracing vaccines? Or stopping murderous dictators? Guilty.

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My special rant, I think it would have been better for Biden to resign rather than run for reelection so Harris could finish his term and run as an incumbent. But, of course, the people who say they don't want Biden like her even less. In any case, the time for that would have been after last year's midterms, just the right time for the Drumpf base to exhaust themselves screaming about a GRRLL president without any tactical gain.

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I'm tired of worrying about what people with poor judgement want. And I can't believe how often I hear "they're laughing at us overseas." That is the lamest concern, really and truly. It's pitiful. There's only one U.S. Get me?

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Trump is the only President who has been laughed at, to his face, by the world community.

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Also, if you've been in other countries, you can't maintain that respect of them. They may be lovely but of course, the lovelier they are, the more terrible they must be in some other way-- probably they throw hobos in the slammer. It's always something. Besides that, my first experience was in France during college. I discovered that because they thought about this country constantly, they thought we thought about them constantly. We never think about them! I didn't say that. They thought I'd be ashamed when they'd say, "So-- you eat everything out of cans!" "No." "Yes." They're not so nasty these days, though. So-- don't worry about other countries.

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A particularly insightful column.

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Even better than usual, Stephen, thanks.

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Great column Stephen. Love it.

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The stained and wrinkled contents page of a discarded 2019 debate program, Joe Klein's current piece leaks desperation for attention in 2023.

Now THAT'S a metaphor...

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Amassed a small library of political non-fiction during the Vietnam-Nixon-Watergate era., all paperback, so they’re long since passed on to new readers. Have invested during this epoch in hardback versions of the Trump era, lest future generations think we made this shit up. Recall reading one book by Joe Klein and deciding the Clinton era wasn’t going to be very collectible.

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Thank God I will never see this POS in person and have to test my commitment to non-violence.

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As I mentioned earlier today, Klein concludes with saying he said all he is going to say about the moral failings of individual Republicans but will continue to criticize what he considers policy failings by Democrats. Nowhere in that conclusion does he say he will call out policy failings by Republicans and the time they are wasting on ridiculous hearings and investigations that fail to show any facts to support their claims. So what he is saying is from here to election day Republicans get a free pass on party and individual failings but anything Democrats do that he disagrees with or issues about individual Democrats including the Biden's age, he will cover extensively.

He will have a lot of column space to fill if he excludes the failings of the GOP especially as the numerous legal problems Trump and many of his MAGA crowd gain speed and more evidence is revealed. The October trial in Georgia should occupy daily essays by Klein but apparently that is now off limits, replaced by Hunter Biden's firearm violation as the main danger to democracy. Even though Hunter never has been and never intends to be a political figure and Trump is running for president.

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Maybe he's scared of them. Because what is this but a cool way of sucking up? Finding fault with the Liberals! He's covered if there's a woke explosion and all compassion in the United States is destroyed.

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