A Peek Inside The Best Foodie Kitchens On Instagram! Tabs, Tues., Jan. 2, 2024
And I don't even have to go to Instagram! HOSANNA! Morning news roundup!
It was twenty years ago … sometime this week. Read to the kicker for ooooooof. (Gift link New York Times)
Our Liz waves buh bye to auld lang syne my dears, or at least to Project Veritas and James O’Keefe :) — Law and Chaos
She forgot to link to that one legit scoop from Wonkette, about O’Keefe settling with the ACORN employee he defamatory gisted and also defamed and then sent us a “lawyer” “letter” saying we defamed him by saying he defamed that dude and it is an ourobouros of dumb!
Noah Berlatsky would like all y’all to stop being pusillanimous pukes and throw Trump off the fucking ballot already. (Everything Is Horrible)
“Public” Catholic schools as in entirely funded by taxpayers? Well hell, why not. (BECAUSE! BECAUSE IS WHY NOT.) (Politico)
Jessica Valenti looks back on the last year in abortion and the trend to criminalizing women’s bodies, friendship, miscarriages, and even information. — Abortion Every Day
So some Russian stars had a nakey party (near as I can tell not an actual sex party) and some ultraconservative WARBLOGGERS canceled them for not being sufficiently sackcloth and ashes in a sober time of war, and now they’re getting actually canceled and maybe some jail, because Putin finds it a convenient distraction. What fun we might have to look forward if November turns out badly! — Moscow Times
The porny chancellor hung on LaCrosse. Popehat analysisizes!
Oh no, this is why I don’t let anyone but me count the money and pay the bills, all y’all STEALER THIEVES! :/ Good luck Eugene Weekly, good luck!!! (KGW)
Oh no the Pompeii bakery prison. Oh no! — Smithsonian
I hate Instagram! I love foodie kitchens! Thank you The Guardian for collecting these pictures so I didn’t have to go there myself! (The one with the tiled counter is ogggly. I’m gonna go with “enchanting nooks in rustic kitchens” from ArtMerit instead! Oh yeah, that’s it. I like how the captions have nothing to do with the pictures and moss is growing in every container because that person is messy and bountiful and full of moss!)
Welcome to my chateau, which I live in and I own. (DecorDemon)
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It was twenty years ago today
Rebecca taught the band to play
They've been going in and out of style
But they're guaranteed to raise a smile