Al Gore Will Be Our Next Vice President, Again

There is no better way to divine the future than to see what people are betting on. This is why everybody knew well in advance that the Patriots were going to win the Super Bowl in a walk! Now the mathematics of chance turns its eagle eye to the Democratic vice presidential contest and discovers that the likeliest pick is Nobel Prize winner, 8-year Veep, and secret president Al Gore.
According to the Wall Street Journal Political market, a sort of fake stock exchange for dorks , there is an 11% chance that Gore could end up on the ticket again, providing " useful regional balance for Mr. Obama" even though he lost his home state of Tennessee in 2000, and even though he has said repeatedly that he never wants to go near the White House again ever.
Complicating matters on both the Democratic and the Republican side is the fact that, by this point in the contest, all the contenders past and present hate the bejeesus out of each other. Really, what are the chances of a Clinton-Edwards ticket, or a McCain-Romney matchup? That's why the smart money is on inoffensive, generally likable candidates like Paula Abdul .
Handicapping the VP Race [Wall Street Journal]