This afternoon your editor, who first interviewed South Carolina's only ever black U.S. Senate candidate last summer, called up Alvin Greene and asked for the Daoist monk's perspective on saying goodbye when it's difficult to let go. Greene's response?
He hung up.
Singular enlightenment! This is the only answer to the question. In truth, there is no hello in life. There is only goodbye. The defining characteristic of all things in life is that they end. This is its constant state. Only The Way flows eternal. To find it, we must accept that all other things are impermanent.
It is this lesson I leave you, dear friends, on this, my final day at Wonkette.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Don't leave us, Jack! We just lost Riley; we can't lose you, too! We'll be left alone with just Crazy Uncle Ken haranguing us about anus burgers and foreclosures and financial Armageddon. (Actually, I'm starting to be afraid that our Wonketts might be closing up shop. I mean, Ken's off hiking in the desert, communing with his spirit animal, and everyone is jumping ship. Someone hold me? Please?)
But, anyway, good luck, Jack! We'll miss you!
True enough. Jack is very smart, except ironically about R-word related matters. Too often I've found my first thoughts about some article already embedded in his actual article. I learned to read through carefully, possibly sacrificing First Write privileges in the process.