Violent Misogynist Andrew Tate Banished From TikTok, Pretty Much Everywhere Else
Thank freaking goodness.
Andrew Tate has not had a good week.
Friday, the misogynistic social media influencer and MLM proprietor who's been investigated for keeping women locked in his basement in Romania was kicked off of Instagram and Facebook, and on Sunday night, finally, he was kicked off of TikTok, where he has had the most influence. This is in part because TikTok has been shoving his videos in the face of any teenage boy using the app even if they don't search for him, subscribe to him or "like" his content.
In a statement to The Washington Post, a TikTok representative said Tate’s account was removed for violating the company’s policies that bar “content that attacks, threatens, incites violence against, or otherwise dehumanizes an individual or a group” based on attributes including sex. Meta said it had removed Tate’s official accounts on Facebook and Instagram, pointing to policies against dangerous organizations and individuals.
Tate, a 35-year-old American-born, British-raised resident of Romania who ran an online “education and coaching” program called Hustler’s University, did not immediately respond to a request for comment Sunday.
If you are blessed enough to be unfamiliar with Tate, an introduction:
He's a former champion kickboxer who ...
Was kicked off "Big Brother" in 2016 after video emerged of him beating a woman with his belt and making her count her bruises for him. (He says this was consensual.)
Said that 40 percent of the reason he moved to Romania is because it's easier to get off on rape charges there, stating "I like the idea of just being able to do what I want. I like being free."
Said that "If you put yourself in a position to be raped, you must bear some responsibility.” (Which got him kicked off Twitter.)
Recruited women he dated during his kickboxing career to become webcam models for him, and to bilk men for piles of money by telling them "sob stories."
Ran some ridiculous MLM called "Hustler's University," which promised to make young men rich by sharing his videos and other content. (This also just shut down this weekend. )
Bragged about how if a woman accused him of cheating he would beat the shit out of her.
Has hobnobbed with rape apologist Mike Cernovich, pizzagate idiot Jack Posobiec, Paul Joseph Watson, Ali Alexander and other far-right misogynistic influencers.
In April, Romanian police raided his home after reports surfaced that he was keeping an American girl captive there. Police found the girl as well as a Romanian girl he was also keeping there. He is being investigated for human trafficking, although no arrests have been made.
Over the last few months, parents, babysitters, teachers and pretty much anyone else who interacts with middle school age and teenage boys have been sounding the alarm about the toxic influence Andrew Tate has had, turning nice kids into misogynistic assholes.
“I had a boy today, 11, turn to a girl and tell her that she’s fat, women need to be thin, she sits at home and she eats all day and that she’s like every other girl in the world and that she uses men to get money and at least he’s a hard-working man and he works for his money," one teacher said on Twitter.
A babysitter on Twitter shared a story about picking kids up from summer camp to find that a 10-year-old boy had been bullying his seven-year-old sister by repeating Tate's talking points and declaring that both of them had to listen to boys because "we're working."
“then the 10 year old replies “We weren’t. we’re boys so you have to listen to us because we’re working!” I was like ??? and shut down the conversation immediately. i immediately told him that he was wrong and that whoever this tate person is don’t listen to them because they’re”
— kim (@kim) 1660853955
Another teacher reported on Reddit that boys in her class refused to even read articles by a female author because "women should only be housewives":
Just this week I had to have 6 convos with families about their sons saying shit like “women are inferior to men” “women belong in the kitchen Ms____”.
Not only are they making these misogynistic claims in class but are literally refusing to do assignments if it’s sourced from a woman….I had three boys refuse to read an article by a female author because “women should only be housewives”. But when I say “I’m a teacher and here teaching you” the cognitive dissonance kicks in and they start saying “yah but teaching is a woman’s job”…??!?
5/6 parents (all mothers) were mortified when I discussed their comments. The other 1 dad said “we’ll he isn’t wrong”. 2 are immigrant mothers and they cried on the phone when I shared a video of Andrew Tate that their sons kept referencing & translated the content to them. And this particular videos was talking about his webcaming “business” (ie human trafficking women).
Y’all. It’s been only 2 weeks of school & these young boys are losing it. I’ve never heard such vitriol from young boys since this Andrew Tate guy came on the scene.
While Tate has been banned by TikTok, there are still hundreds of fan accounts pushing his content to teenagers and it's going to take a hell of a lot of scrubbing to remove them all. Still, part of the reason Tate has had such an outsized influence on young men is precisely because he's been so accessible, because they get his videos thrown in their faces whether they're specifically looking for him or not. So by limiting that, hopefully his influence over these kids will wane and they will go back to being nice normal boys who don't tell their classmates to get back in the kitchen.
Note: I know I promised I would stop covering the manosphere/online misogyny stuff here, but this is actually relatively big news, so I think we can make an exception this one time. Don't be mad at me!
[ Washington Post ]
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Faceborg does the same thing. As soon as their algorithm gets a whiff that you’re say, a rural white male, they start sending links to election denying bullshit and drivel from people like Charlie Kirk.
Why did it take Tik Tok so long to ban him? My daughters' classmate posted an expose on Tik Tok about an actual rapist in their peer group and got shut down in a day. That was about 4 years ago.