Ann Coulter Dating Liberal Jew
*Heard on the Hill: Lobbyists beware,Sen. Max Baucus'soffice is protected by a guard dog...Giulianiwon't take money less than six degrees separated fromJack Abramoff...Code Pink ups the ante. [ Roll Call ]
*Yeas and Nays: Dana Perinopoints out the plus side of global warming...Ambassadors want DC to get the vote...The 60th anniversary of Meet the Press has a secret guest list...NewCoen brothersfilm bringsGeorge Clooneyto DC [ Examiner ]
*Under the Dome: Tom Tancredobuys his way into a motorcycle gang...GOPs terrified ofHillary...GLAAD tells media their preferred terminology...Sen. Harry Reidholds his donations over NPR...Sen. Claire McCaskillwins the Golden Gravel. [ The Hill ]
*Shenanigans: Rachel McAdamsmistaken for an intern at Washington Post ...Rep. Tom Davisready to leave Congress...Girls get flashy atHillaryfundraiser...Jon Klydiscovers the far out applications of photoshop...Obama Girl voiceLeah Kauffmanwants to be perfect likeAnn Coulter. [ Politico ]
*The Sleuth: Senate Republics concerned overLarry Craig'sRSVP. [ WP ]
*Page Six: Ann Coulterlikes Jews, says her Jewish (and liberal) boyfriendAndrew Stein. [ NYP ]