The “other techniques” you referenced need more exposure. The insanity will continue until the mentality of, “…we’ve always done things this way,” changes.

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None of this will change until we reform the Supreme Court of the United States.

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What I REALLY want is for a TV cop-drama to say all this, to let mom and pop know that the other copaganda shows are bullshitting them. Think that’ll ever happen?

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Then there's the old blood splatter and bit mark and 911 call "analyses", all equally bogus but widely accepted as evidence. The people who promote this stuff are the criminals.

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Despite the TV shows that depict them as saints and martyrs, real-life police detectives can be as lazy and sloppy at their jobs as anyone. One unfortunate manifestation of that sloppiness is the tendency to pin a case on the first person they feel they plausibly can. And by "unfortunate" I mean "outrageous and unacceptable."

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one of those cases should be enough for systemic reform...if we believed all the bullshit regarding democracy we're espousing all over the world.

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The Jefferson County Sheriff's Dept. tried this on me when my boyfriend was murdered in 2004. They kept telling me they had witnesses who saw me kill him, which I knew was a lie because I didn't kill him. They kept these mind games up for half an hour, and I kept telling them I knew they were lying. They seemed to be quite surprised that I stood up to them.

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Did you ever get that situation with your uncle's deposition straightened out?

(If you don't mind me prying)

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You're not prying at all. We got my 86-yr-old Washington D.C. uncle's deposition taken last week and it went very well. The 97-yr-old Missouri uncle had a bad fall and is in bad shape physically, so his deposition has been postponed until he feels better. Hopefully it will be done in November. We have to wait until the prosecutor has free time on her calendar, and she said she is busy with other trials until November. It is entirely due to her constant delaying tactics that we have waited 18 months to get the depositions taken.

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I'm not even going to ask why you're not entitled to a quicker trial. No doubt there's some sort of fucked-up legal reason why you have to wait this long. Lawyers.

All I'll say is that it's outrageous that you have to go through this shit, and it's a testament to your courage and selflessness that during this Kafkaesque ordeal, you have been able to focus on helping the even more unfortunate souls you met in jail who have also fallen into the hands of those sadistic bastards.

As for that prosecutor, I wish you Godspeed in the lawsuit you have already indicated you will file once you are finally exonerated once and for all. I wish I were a genius at SEO or knew someone who is. I would do my utmost level best to fuck up that prosecutor's profile so that when she runs for judge or something and voters Google her, information about your case comes up at the very top.

Please keep us informed, and PLEASE keep the faith. You're doing the work of the Lord or the collective spirit of justice or the Flying Spaghetti Monster or whatever you believe in.

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There's a simple answer. The AG's office keeps throwing up roadblocks with the depositions. We asked to take them in January 2022, and the first Asst. AG - an older man they brought out of retirement just for my case - agreed immediately, but he hadn't put it in writing yet when in March 2022 he had to withdraw because he had prostate cancer. The new, young female Asst. AG refused point blank to consent, and according to the rules there was nothing we could do about it until after the Preliminary Hearing, which was in July 2022. Then we got the judge to approve them and set a trial date for 1st week of May 2023. Then the AG kept delaying and delaying scheduling the depos until we had to request a continuance of the trial and demand another hearing to force her to set a date in late May 2023, then there was a court paperwork fuck-up and they were both canceled at the very last minute, and again the AG refused to respond to our requests to reschedule so we had to have another hearing at which the judge set the trial for 2nd week of August but both attorneys had conflicts that week.

Then the JUDGE fucked everything up by demanding that both uncles get letters from their doctors explaining why they couldn't travel to the trial, which she had not asked for before. Then my older uncle had a bad fall several weeks ago and so now his depo is delayed until at least November because the Asst. AG's calendar is full until then.

Trial is now scheduled for 2nd week of Dec. 2023, but we will almost certainly have to ask for another continuance due to the AG's delaying tactics.

We have asked twice for copies of relevant videos in the possession of the AG, and have had no response from the AG. We have asked twice for access to the evidence that has been stored for 19 years, and have had no response from the AG. We will have to ask for another hearing to get the judge to force the AG to consent to both things, which is why the trial will be next year. Every hearing costs me between $500 and $1000 of my attorney's time.

It seems that in Missouri the Circuit judges reserve 3 weeks a year in their calendars for important trials that will take several days, and our judge only reserves 1st week of May, 2nd week of August and 2nd week of December. Those are the only choices we get.

I fully intend to fuck up the prosecutor's career if I can possibly do so, as well as Andrew Bailey and Eric Schmitt's careers. The prosecutor is Paige Wheeler. She graduated from the U of Mo Law School in 2018. Her first job was with the AG's office.

Thank you for the words of praise, 'cause I need all the positive feedback I can get. I tried to make an appt. with a local shrink who knows about PTSD, but they are all fully booked up for 6-9 months. It's a good thing I'm not suicidal, because if I were, then 6-9 months would be far too long to wait. And anyway, after digging around in all their clinic websites, it seems all they want to do is medicate you. I don't need medication. I need an avenging angel and a big response to my fund raising site, which is getting no traffic because I can't get any journalists to take an interest in my case, even tho it has strong political overtones.

The Big Fund Raising Site we aren't allowed to mention here won't allow anyone to use it to raise funds for their legal defense if they were arrested for a "crime of violence." I intend to sue them, as well, because "presumption of innocence."


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It is a good thing you are not suicidal and if you ever are call 988.

You are a wonder to me. I would have snatched myself bald. You are caring and careful.


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Thank you. *Curtsey*

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Last night on the local (Sacramento, CA) news there was a report on a guy who is going to be on trial for a heinous crime from the mid-80s (I won't go into details because I don't want to type them), and he was found because of DNA evidence. The report briefly mentioned that a different guy who resembles the actual current defendant had two hung juries back in the day, and never served time. I just thought, "wow, with different juries that guy would have been in prison this whole time and the case would be closed."

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Lemme guess the skin color of the guy who got off.

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When being questioned by police there is only one correct answer to all questions.


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Yup. The ONLY answer to a cop's question - even if he's asking for the correct time - is, "Talk to my lawyer."

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"Despite the whole “the guy was actually innocent” thing, this notoriety led Reid to found Reid & Associates, a private company that to this day goes around teaching cops how to interrogate suspects."


I do not understand why this company can not be sued for every fucking dollar.

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Lock THEM up.

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Up here in Canada, we pioneered the "Mr. Big" technique, which sounds good on paper, but still has plenty of room for abuse and false confessions. In the Mr. Big technique, the police set up a fictitious criminal organization for the suspect to join, staffed by undercover officers, and use it to gain the suspect's confidence. Eventually the suspect is offered a higher rank in the organization by "Mr. Big", but at the same time are asked if there's anything in their criminal past that might "bring the heat" on the organization. It's been used successfully in several high-profile murder cases, but it's still a controversial technique for the reasons I mentioned above.

According to Wiki, Mr. Big is basically illegal in the US and the UK, while Australia and New Zealand have used it regularly.

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OT: the announcement on Sen. Finestein's Twitter account (nobody calls it X):


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It's actually very kind. She was a human being, a PERSON, and all of the talk about her age and infirmities makes me frustrated and angry.

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She was amazing. All the buried wasnt-rape-then, harassments, and that-was-a-different time for men.

She was heroic and worked until her last breath to get decent judges on the bench,

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Gotta keep those bunks in the for-profit prisons full in order to keep the $$$ coming in.

THAT has been America's "investment" in fighting crime in this republic.

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If he was innocent, why does he have such a guilty sounding name?

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OT: Sen. Dianne Feinstein has gone to the Lands Beyond.

Rest in peace.

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May she rest in peace and rise in glory. She worked to push the ban on assault weapons back in the 90s after serving in SF's city council and having to announce the death of Harvey Milk:


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