Are You Already Celebrating Ice Cream For Breakfast Day?
February 1 seems like an odd choice for that.
Happy weekend!
Mmmmmmm … who among us doesn’t like waking up on a frosty morning, the first day of February, and having a nice, freezing cold bowl of ice cream for breakfast? OK, fine, not me nor anyone I know of, but for some reason, someone thought it would be a good idea to make today, February 1, Ice Cream For Breakfast Day.
So, naturally, your first present this week is Swirlee, a fabulously batshit short about a down-and-out man with an ice cream cone for a head, starring (and directed by) James Lorinz as Mr. Softee and David Caruso as his roommate, Tony.
Next up, we have the trailer for Santa Claus and the Ice Cream Bunny, a real movie that someone made, on purpose.
You are perhaps wondering if there is a free RiffTrax version of this whole movie, and luckily enough there is.
And lastly, because I love you, here is Andy Kaufman eating ice cream.
You are welcome!
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Talk amongst yourselves!
Harry is feeling pawsitive!
Yesterday's medical adventure.
As you no doubt recall, I have Parkinson's and spend lots of time in my recliner. Yesterday morning, aside from the usual leg swelling (edema), my left knee had some swelling that prevented me from bending it all the way. Msgra suggests I phone the nurse to let her know before she (Msgra) goes off to knit with "the gals'". The nurse schedules an impromptu visit and, almost as an afterthought, suggests I go to the ER to get an ultrasound to rule out a blood clot. I phone Msgra and she agrees, leaving knitting a little early. It's about 1.
We arrive at ER about 2, get ultrasound. They X-ray [Roentgensstrahlungen] my knee. They Rx a chest CAT scan, which is negative: no cats scanned. But the guy that reads these images hangs on to it for two hours. Eventually we are given the narrative (and a couple more tests, including a second x-ray): I had a clot (and have been prescribed [paint] thinners), but it didn't make it to my lungs, Gottseidank, where it evidentally would have done maximum damage. Home around 8pm.
The lesson of today's homily [and grits], kids, is: life's too damn short. Get your scrawny ass off the recliner and run around the yard a couple times. Amen.