In Oregon we have an easier way to deal with "illegal" voters. We say, "oops, sorry." Remove the registrations, all 300 of them, and add a confirming step at the DMVs that issued them.
Register every single American on their eighteenth birthday, and don't tell me that the federal government doesn't know when every one of its citizens turns 18.
I have that header image on a t-shirt. It's made at least one cool woman laugh, and also I was briefly mistaken for MAGA once, wearing it at a grocery store.
I know if I were in the country illegally and trying to avoid detection, the first thig I would do would be go to a crowded polling place and try to vote.
'No, we don't have evidence': GOP lawmaker makes admission on his voting fraud claims
And the B-hole admitting is...Neanderthal Glenn Grothman
During a Thursday appearance on C-SPAN's *Washington Journal*program, callers peppered Grothman with fact checks after he suggested voting by undocumented immigrants influenced the outcome of presidential elections.
"The congressman made an error," an independent caller named David told the lawmaker. "He said that illegal immigrants are voting in [California]( And I have actual proof that that is not the case."
The caller noted that a Social Security number was required to register to vote in his area.
"I found this out inadvertently when I was registering my mother," David explained. "She was an immigrant and has been over here for 40 years. She finally got her citizenship."
"We went to register her to vote online at the registrar, and I typoed one of the characters on her social security number, and it rejected the application," he continued. "In other words, you actually have to be a citizen in order to register to vote in California."
It was left as a territory longer than anywhere other than Alaska and Hawaii (over 50 years) for a lot of reasons. It got admitted mainly because it would have been embarrassing to admit New Mexico and Oklahoma (which was a merger of two territories) and not it. They almost admitted it as a joint single state with New Mexico but the voters in NM properly rejected it (the people in AZ were running some horrible anti-Catholic, anti-Mexican/Spanish stuff back then).
The good news is it is tilting purple/blue despite a 20+ year effort by the GOP to skew everything in its favor. The bad news is it is slow and Phoenix may dry up and blow away before we become as progressive as our neighbors in the Land of Enchantment.
20+ years? try 50+. GOP has controlled the Lege since the late 70's at least. Katie Hobbs is the first Dem Governor since Barak stole Janet Napolitano from us in 2008, leaving us to the tender mercies of Jan Brewer.
(better not get ANY IDEAS KAMALA! [fingers doing the 'I'm WATCHING you!' thing] )
Arizona's territorial constitution was deemed too progressive at the time and the US required it to repeal some of the better provisions as a condition of statehood.
Oregon had provisions denying the rights of Black people to live or own property there, but that wasn't a problem for statehood.
That was right before admission in 1912, and it was Taft who had an issue with judicial recall (which the state agreed to take out to get admitted and then added back in after getting admitted). Interestingly, the GOP now wants to gut the value of judicial elections since there's a chance members of the Supreme Court might not get retained for re-imposing the territorial era abortion law. Even at admission it was pretty incredibly progressive in the sense to Teddy Roosevelt progressivism - initiatives, referenda, recalls (of everyone but judges), free public education (including higher ed to be as nearly free as possible), a statewide position for labor protection in mines, etc. But it was also racist as fuck (lots of requirements linked to knowing English as a giant middle finger to Spanish speakers), barred Native rights, allowed all interested parties to buy water to keep cities happy and fuck everyone else, and barred polygamy as a specific fuck you to the large Mormon minority.
They really were emblematic of the Progressives then - for protecting middle class white Protestant people and those who aspired to that status, and fuck everyone else.
Well barring polygamy as a giant fuck you to the Mormons was a requirement to Utah's statehood as well, so not entirely surprising.
At the Yuma Territorial Prison State Park there's a large display room with portraits of famous/notorious former residents all around... former US SenatorJeff Flake's great grandfather is among the ones up on the wall, served time for bigamy.
Then again we still have Warren Jeff's fundamentalist gang infesting the Utah/AZ border although they've greatly diminished since a whole bunch of the leaders got sent to prison.
We spent half of our honeymoon based in Albuquerque exploring some of the northern parts of New Mexico and we loved it so much we almost decided to move there. I can't wait to go back.
Selina Meyer is not a fictional character.
In Oregon we have an easier way to deal with "illegal" voters. We say, "oops, sorry." Remove the registrations, all 300 of them, and add a confirming step at the DMVs that issued them.
Automatic Universal Voter Registration.
Register every single American on their eighteenth birthday, and don't tell me that the federal government doesn't know when every one of its citizens turns 18.
Hoisted on their own petards! You love to see it, especially this late in the summer!
I have that header image on a t-shirt. It's made at least one cool woman laugh, and also I was briefly mistaken for MAGA once, wearing it at a grocery store.
I used to have one that said, "No one's treading on you, sweetie", and yeah, it caused at least a handful of double-takes.
No step on snek.
Don't read to me!
But what if I want to flamenco on snek with votes??/?
Dance the night away!
Snek say, "I'm dumb, white, and afraid of everything."
"Arizona is one of the swingiest swing states of all..."
Hey now, what we do in the privacy of our homes is nobody else's business!
Wait, wut?
You have no idea what they get up to in those retirement villages.
It's the heat. It does funny things to the mind.
And the libido.
It's not the heat, it's the tumidity
Ooh, I saw Body Heat!
"When did you stop cheating on your wife, Mr Masters?"
Have the Zieglers moved from Florida?
"Let’s see what the Arizona Supreme Court does with this one!" - I'm just guessing here, but...whatever benefits the wingnuts?
I know if I were in the country illegally and trying to avoid detection, the first thig I would do would be go to a crowded polling place and try to vote.
Most everywhere voting fraud has been uncovered it involves a small handful of ballots for Republican candidates
Right! What little voting fraud there is is overwhelmingly by Republicans .
Mark Meadows. Projection, with these assholes it's always projection.
'No, we don't have evidence': GOP lawmaker makes admission on his voting fraud claims
And the B-hole admitting is...Neanderthal Glenn Grothman
During a Thursday appearance on C-SPAN's *Washington Journal*program, callers peppered Grothman with fact checks after he suggested voting by undocumented immigrants influenced the outcome of presidential elections.
"The congressman made an error," an independent caller named David told the lawmaker. "He said that illegal immigrants are voting in [California]( And I have actual proof that that is not the case."
The caller noted that a Social Security number was required to register to vote in his area.
"I found this out inadvertently when I was registering my mother," David explained. "She was an immigrant and has been over here for 40 years. She finally got her citizenship."
"We went to register her to vote online at the registrar, and I typoed one of the characters on her social security number, and it rejected the application," he continued. "In other words, you actually have to be a citizen in order to register to vote in California."
Pffft...facts! We don't need no stinkin' facts!
Easy fix.
Set all AZ voters to automatically have votes cast as Heritage Foundation research
determined defaults, whether you actually vote or not. Convenient, saves money, and fraud free!
You will have to opt-in if you want that old style expensive fraud-ish voting.
Have a trial run, get sued, Supreme Court says it's terrific, and it's rolled out nationwide.
Don't give them any ideas!!!
Jesus Christ. Why is Arizona even a state?
I mean, I'd be fine with it if they return us back to Mexico😆
Well it all started with The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848.
'Cause I ain't flyin' to Mexico to visit the Grand Canyon!
It was left as a territory longer than anywhere other than Alaska and Hawaii (over 50 years) for a lot of reasons. It got admitted mainly because it would have been embarrassing to admit New Mexico and Oklahoma (which was a merger of two territories) and not it. They almost admitted it as a joint single state with New Mexico but the voters in NM properly rejected it (the people in AZ were running some horrible anti-Catholic, anti-Mexican/Spanish stuff back then).
The good news is it is tilting purple/blue despite a 20+ year effort by the GOP to skew everything in its favor. The bad news is it is slow and Phoenix may dry up and blow away before we become as progressive as our neighbors in the Land of Enchantment.
20+ years? try 50+. GOP has controlled the Lege since the late 70's at least. Katie Hobbs is the first Dem Governor since Barak stole Janet Napolitano from us in 2008, leaving us to the tender mercies of Jan Brewer.
(better not get ANY IDEAS KAMALA! [fingers doing the 'I'm WATCHING you!' thing] )
Arizona's territorial constitution was deemed too progressive at the time and the US required it to repeal some of the better provisions as a condition of statehood.
Oregon had provisions denying the rights of Black people to live or own property there, but that wasn't a problem for statehood.
That was right before admission in 1912, and it was Taft who had an issue with judicial recall (which the state agreed to take out to get admitted and then added back in after getting admitted). Interestingly, the GOP now wants to gut the value of judicial elections since there's a chance members of the Supreme Court might not get retained for re-imposing the territorial era abortion law. Even at admission it was pretty incredibly progressive in the sense to Teddy Roosevelt progressivism - initiatives, referenda, recalls (of everyone but judges), free public education (including higher ed to be as nearly free as possible), a statewide position for labor protection in mines, etc. But it was also racist as fuck (lots of requirements linked to knowing English as a giant middle finger to Spanish speakers), barred Native rights, allowed all interested parties to buy water to keep cities happy and fuck everyone else, and barred polygamy as a specific fuck you to the large Mormon minority.
They really were emblematic of the Progressives then - for protecting middle class white Protestant people and those who aspired to that status, and fuck everyone else.
Well barring polygamy as a giant fuck you to the Mormons was a requirement to Utah's statehood as well, so not entirely surprising.
At the Yuma Territorial Prison State Park there's a large display room with portraits of famous/notorious former residents all around... former US SenatorJeff Flake's great grandfather is among the ones up on the wall, served time for bigamy.
Then again we still have Warren Jeff's fundamentalist gang infesting the Utah/AZ border although they've greatly diminished since a whole bunch of the leaders got sent to prison.
I just got back from a brief emergency visit to the Land of Enchantment; what bits I saw were indeed, enchanting, I’d like to go back to explore.
There is so much in NM that captivates, it is the most unsung destination there is.
It's just that I-40 in NM is in such scandalous condition I feel like somebody should hold hearings on it or something.
We spent half of our honeymoon based in Albuquerque exploring some of the northern parts of New Mexico and we loved it so much we almost decided to move there. I can't wait to go back.
Tucson and Flagstaff sit back, sip our beers, and try to forget the middle of the state exists.
Hey now, Tempe doesn't suck completely.
I know, I should not generalize. Downtown PHX is pretty okay too, and Arizona Wilderness brewing is a goddamn national treasure.
Love that place!! And that patio in the downtown location is so cool 😎
Phoenix proper is pretty damned Blue. It's the giant red ring of suburbs making Maricopa county so MAGA-ty.
I remember about that song was how people argued about was is / is not ironic.
Don't care.
Funn times.
BTW, I think I need the very special Gadsden flag.
Available for purchase at a border near you.
I’ve always seen those as “Don’t tread on me but stomp the shit out of the other guy”.
Yes, the original, but THIS....,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Oh yeah, I laughed out loud at that one.
I've got a bumper sticker of it in my Amazon cart. I'll back it with a magnet in case I travel into hostile territories.
My neighbor put up a big one.
Saw it thru a window and I was filled with sadness, shock and fear.
It feels like terrorism that's 10 feet away, every day that I see it.
Bonus, the flag is cheap plastic crap and is turning a nasty green color.
My cousin has one flying next to the swimming pool that he built with his second wife's inheritance. It looks like something he won at a county fair,
The pool or the flag?
The second wife
A real bootstraps kinda fellow huh?
Yes I really do think.
Funny how that keeps on happening!