I am so grateful that we live in such an exceptional country that racism doesn't exist and any hint that it ever may have is nothing but a libtard fantasy.
Generally speaking I don't hire anybody who was educated in a slave state. It's not a hard and fast rule, but close and it has been exercised to great effect
It is the apogee of white privilege to insist that it is better a brown child possibly suffer real bigotry in the real world than for a white child to possibly be made uncomfortable by a lesson in a classroom.
So far I’ve seen no evidence or studies that confirm such teaching actually “makes white children uncomfortable.” Of course, they don’t give a shut that Black kids feel
Its just pure racism loosely bundled up in bad logic and "I did my own research" data. They do it because they will do exactly whatever you can't stop them from doing.
Perpetuate what lie? And who are the students who are going to hate eachother? White people owned black people and treated them horribly for centuries. It sucked. Black people had white allies in the fight for equality. Try talking about that as a counterweight, rather than how slavery was a benefit or violence on “ both sides”. Children hating eachother? Let’s be honest. They’re worried black children will hate white ones. Yeah because black kids grown up in households never learning about racism 🙄. What rationale would white kids have for hating black ones over slavery? “Damn your ancestors for being enslaved by mine!” ? After spending a few decades hearing that people who look like me were “too sensitive“ about racism, these people are literally passing laws to prevent speech because it hurts their feelings.
Those kids need to get to work in dangerous jobs anyway, at least if SarahBee has her way. They shouldn't have time for book-larnin in the first place.
I am so grateful that we live in such an exceptional country that racism doesn't exist and any hint that it ever may have is nothing but a libtard fantasy.
*Except against us white folks, of course.
Of course.
Sherman missed a spot. A lot of spots.
*Marching Through Georgia intensifies*
"..we can wonder what sorts of jazz classics may yet be written about the current Arkansas governor." Probably none, since Spike Jones is dead.
It's only a matter of time before they start putting up statues of Trump, isn't it?
Don't put this idea out into the universe.
The pro-peace GOP and the compromise of 1877 have been a disaster for our nation.
Generally speaking I don't hire anybody who was educated in a slave state. It's not a hard and fast rule, but close and it has been exercised to great effect
You have a gigantic logical fallacy going on here
Yes, well, look at the handle. LOL
They don't get much whiter than the Arkansas Education Secretary Jacob Oliva!
Well Sanders got me to hate her. So she's already failing.
Sanders's deepest regret in life is that she wasn't around to shout n-words at the Little Rock Nine.
It is the apogee of white privilege to insist that it is better a brown child possibly suffer real bigotry in the real world than for a white child to possibly be made uncomfortable by a lesson in a classroom.
So far I’ve seen no evidence or studies that confirm such teaching actually “makes white children uncomfortable.” Of course, they don’t give a shut that Black kids feel
Uncomfortable with racism.
Its just pure racism loosely bundled up in bad logic and "I did my own research" data. They do it because they will do exactly whatever you can't stop them from doing.
"....we can wonder what sorts of jazz classics may yet be written about the current Arkansas governor."
Can a jazz classic be played on kazoos?
Resistance and resilience are out? We’ll there goes electrical theory and materials science.
Perpetuate what lie? And who are the students who are going to hate eachother? White people owned black people and treated them horribly for centuries. It sucked. Black people had white allies in the fight for equality. Try talking about that as a counterweight, rather than how slavery was a benefit or violence on “ both sides”. Children hating eachother? Let’s be honest. They’re worried black children will hate white ones. Yeah because black kids grown up in households never learning about racism 🙄. What rationale would white kids have for hating black ones over slavery? “Damn your ancestors for being enslaved by mine!” ? After spending a few decades hearing that people who look like me were “too sensitive“ about racism, these people are literally passing laws to prevent speech because it hurts their feelings.
Those kids need to get to work in dangerous jobs anyway, at least if SarahBee has her way. They shouldn't have time for book-larnin in the first place.
Do they teach Evolution in Arkansas schools? 'Cause it's just a false and ideology-based theory, according to some people (No, it isn't, it's a fact).