A man who has a passion and talents in fashion design should not suppress it, on the contrary, he should develop and nurture it and be a fashion designer. At the time when a woman has talents, passion and capabilities in fashion design, colors and fashion, she should suppress and eliminate them and sit at home watching him innovate and flourish in what she was deprived of, suppressed and excluded from!!!
He has talents and a passion for football, he should not suppress them, but rather develop them and be a sports player. At the time when a woman has talents and a passion for football, swimming, acting, science, invention and medicine, she should suppress and eliminate them, she should not be a sports player or a scientist and sit at home watching him innovate and flourish in what she was deprived of, suppressed and excluded from!!!
A woman's role is to suppress and eliminate her passion, intelligence and talents and not develop them. This is suppression, self-flagellation and racism against women, not the role of a woman.
In addition, she will be without financial independence.
She suppresses and eliminates herself, her intelligence, talents and potential, and also depends on a man, consciously or unconsciously helping him to deprive her of her rights in education, flourishing with her talents and potential in science and art.. health, voting and election.... because she suppressed herself and gave him the opportunity to suppress her.
Raising children is basically the responsibility of the mother and father together, not one without or more than the other. Housework and cooking are simple life skills that every adult should do. Women are not housewives.
But in reality, it is not upbringing, but rather suppression, persecution and exclusion because she suppresses her daughter's intelligence, talents and potential in science, invention, sports and politics.... while encouraging her son to do so.
This is not upbringing and it is not a family, but a misogynistic gang keen on suppressing and excluding women.
The role of women and their nature is not to suppress and cancel their intelligence, talents, capabilities and passion in science, art, sports and politics... and to calcify, perfume and clean for me, to increase her knowledge and hopes. This is suppression, exclusion and racism against women. Women's rights are human rights and are not a subject of discussion or opinions and points of view, but are taken away because of misogyny. This contempt, foolishness and racism against women, suppression and exclusion must end.
" ... but do you have somebody who loves you staring at you everyday, like your child? It's horrible. "
This woman is deeply troubled in many ways, not the least of which is that she wants her future children to make her feel loved. But no one should have a child until they are together enough to subordinate *their* need's to the child's. So that is one major fkked-up-ed-ness.
Also, every creature has to earn its keep -- just look at the animal kingdom. She seems to believe that being a non-WOTH wife and mother doesn't involve much labor. Good luck with that.
And: Being pressured to marry by 21 as a good thing???? Is she still close friends with people she treasured at 18-19, or does she acknowledge that people grow / change a lot during their 20s and 30, such that relationships formed before 20 don't last?
Finally, if she doesn't like having to take care of herself financially, then she can do what women of my mother's / aunts' generation (born between 1910 and 1920) did: Live at home with their parents until marriage, and have zero freedom because their parents -- esp. their father -- will have control of their life.
I'm a SAHM with small children. I have money and access and support, and it's STILL a rough ride. I haven't had a full night's sleep in 13 months. I routinely don't shower until mid-afternoon, when someone finally has a gap in their schedule long enough to watch my kids for 10 minutes. Does this person think it's all baking cookies and arranging tasteful wildflower bouquets? Because most of the time it's wandering around in a vaguely smelly bathrobe while one kid talks about Lego and the other one tries to sneakily chew on your hair.
"Does this person think it's all baking cookies and arranging tasteful wildflower bouquets?"
Sadly, and infuriatingly, she does. (I have an older cousin who holds not-dissimilar beliefs.)
And: Has she *ever* been in a serious relationship with a man? Does she really not understand that every romantic partnership has spells of conflict and boredom, of being out of sync with each another? Does she not understand that the friction can be greater for women in hetero relationships bc even the best men (and there are many great men out there) tend to be less emotionally available than many women would like, and that *no one* (including women) has completely shed the misogyny of this culture, which also adds to conflict in hetero marriages?
Either she will remain embittered and single, or she will attract her psychological peer and have an unhappy marriage (which will somehow be feminism's/Dems' fault).
Well, good luck to her, I guess. But the idea of looking at tradwife social media and thinking that it's an accurate depiction of ANYONE'S real life doesn't inspire much confidence in this young woman's judgment. It would be like looking at, say, 'Emily in Paris' and thinking it was a documentary on the working-abroad experience...
My mother grew up on a farm. Her entire family were/are farmers. She escaped that life by marrying my father, a true, blue city boy whose idea of going out to the country was having a Saturday picnic in Grant Park (Chicago). I spent several summers having extended stays at one or another family member’s farm. When I was little it was nothing but big fun; sleeping in the hay loft, hand feeding hay to the cows during milking time, throwing corn cobs at the pigs and especially, riding with my uncle on his favorite horse, Ol’ Slivers. I was sure then that I was going to grow up to be a farmer. When I got to be around 11 or 12, I was expected to go out and work with the rest of the men. That’s when the illusion came crashing down around me. I think it was the day we went out around sunrise and spent the entire morning loading and unloading bales of hay on a flatbed trailer. Then, after a quick lunch, we had to stack the bales in the barn. They probably weighed almost as much as I did then and by mid afternoon each one felt like I was trying to power lift a pickup truck.
I guess they didn’t put me to work when I was that young because I was a temporary guest for a couple of weeks. So my cousin and I were free to run wild for the most part.
My mother almost lost a leg when she was little. My grandfather had her sit on the front corner of the combine so she could signal him when they got to the end of a row and he’d know it was time to turn around to the next row. She got bounced off when he hit a hole and he ran her over. Maybe that was the reason there weren’t any more kids put out to work until they were older.
I'll tell you, so you don't have to click on the TikTok link. This woman, who has birthed, like, literally 80,000 children for this incredibly rich man, had a birthday. Her husband, who has lots of money, got her a birthday present. As she struggles to open it, she jokes about it being "tickets to Greece," then jokes about it being "a hat to wear in Greece" but no, it is not any of that. It is a hand knit apron with little pockets in the front that she can wear to pick up eggs.
How can any person look at this video and say YES I want this! I want to marry a rich man who will give me a gift that helps me do my job of picking up eggs to feed my 80,000 children.
The second darkest moment of this is when husband says "You're welcome" before she has a chance to say thank you.
Thanks for commenting such that I don't have to watch it. I've never watched or consumed any of her social media -- I consume almost none, anyway -- but I've read enough about her to think that she is one of the most brainwashed and one of the most forlorn persons I can imagine.
I'm torn between feeling compassion for her and the misery of being treated like that by the man who is supposed to be her life's partner, and feeling angry at her for pretending that this hideously regressive life is somehow a good thing. She is misleading a *lot* of impressionable girls and young women.
Conservatives always believe things were better “back then,” so long as you ignore the rampant infectious diseases and primitive medical knowledge that resulted in sky high child and infant mortality, high maternal mortality, and generally shorter life expectancies. Not to mention the social and economic inequality.
I went to my niece's wedding a few months ago. She married into a farm family with about 2K acres in Minnesota, where they raise cattle and chickens, and farm soybeans and I guess some other crops.
This woman has no idea how insanely hard everyone in a farm family has to work. It's not unusual for my niece to get out of bed before 5 a.m. to make sure chickens are fed or cattle are where they're supposed to be or do any of the other millions of things that have to get done, because her husband is dead to the world because he didn't stop spreading mulch until 11 p.m. last night and he barely had time to eat and shower before collapsing into bed, where he's slumbering and still smelling like mulch, shower or no shower. Day after day after day. I don't think that that "ATW" (oh, Lord) would make it from Sunday through Tuesday.
Speaking as a never married woman who hates working for a living, I think this woman is nuts. She is also delusional. And sounds like an immature dick. Why anyone would put all their eggs in some man's basket and think everything is gonna be okay has never participated in the culture of the last century? There are plenty of books and movies depicting the horrors of women and families who found themselves at the mercy of some man's checkbook.
Never-married, 63yo, usually self-supporting woman here (temporarily out of work bc of cancer). Sometimes I hated my jobs; sometimes I didn't. But I never thought that work was optional; one glance at the animal kingdom makes clear that every living creature is supposed to take care of its own needs, after it has grown out of childhood + adolescence.
That ATW is a petulant human who has chosen not to grow up.
I never expected to, or campaigned to, find a guy I could leech off all my life.
The idea of having to get approval if I wanted to buy something, was repulsive to me.
My parents would be 109 if they were alive today. Raised in the depression, they knew that everyone in the family who earned money should be helping the whole family out. No one was merely decorative.
I can’t fathom that she hates the fact that she contributes to this country’s tax base and the GDP.
Without her paid labor, we would all be a tiny bit poorer. Ain’t that a kick? And she wants to trade that power in for being a dependent?! KIDS are dependents; not able-bodied, college-educated adults.
My great grandparents were farmers, and they were successful ones, enough so they could leave each of their daughters some Iowa acreage. Even so, they expected each girl to get more education after she earned her high school diploma, whether that was college, beauty school, teaching certificate, etc., so that “You will have a way to support yourself and your children if your husband leaves you, or you are forced to leave him.”
I remember a couple of female movie reviewers complaining about how Kitty Oppenhiemer was portrayed as angry and always drinking in the film. "Where is her AGENCY?", they criticized. As someone who KNEW those women- my mom and my friends moms- I can tell you that they were frustrated as hell. My Mom had been a successful businesswoman, it was both HER money and HER knowledge of building that got my father his start. But once she had two kids, she was stuck at home and having to ask for money from Dad. She was NOT a happy camper. Drinking, smoking, pharmaceuticals and dumping your kids on your friends or parents so you could run off for a weekend (sometimes longer) were the coping mechanisms. (A few chose to become petty tyrants on the PTA.) Fast forward 30+years. My husband took a grueling rural job, we had kids and childcare would have cost far more money than I could make working so, I guess that made me a "tradwife" (gods, I hate that term). I can tell you from experience that it was a harder and more stressful job than management, healthcare or ANY other job I had ever worked- no time off and NO PAYCHECK!
They are misogynists who fool women.
A man who has a passion and talents in fashion design should not suppress it, on the contrary, he should develop and nurture it and be a fashion designer. At the time when a woman has talents, passion and capabilities in fashion design, colors and fashion, she should suppress and eliminate them and sit at home watching him innovate and flourish in what she was deprived of, suppressed and excluded from!!!
He has talents and a passion for football, he should not suppress them, but rather develop them and be a sports player. At the time when a woman has talents and a passion for football, swimming, acting, science, invention and medicine, she should suppress and eliminate them, she should not be a sports player or a scientist and sit at home watching him innovate and flourish in what she was deprived of, suppressed and excluded from!!!
A woman's role is to suppress and eliminate her passion, intelligence and talents and not develop them. This is suppression, self-flagellation and racism against women, not the role of a woman.
In addition, she will be without financial independence.
She suppresses and eliminates herself, her intelligence, talents and potential, and also depends on a man, consciously or unconsciously helping him to deprive her of her rights in education, flourishing with her talents and potential in science and art.. health, voting and election.... because she suppressed herself and gave him the opportunity to suppress her.
Raising children is basically the responsibility of the mother and father together, not one without or more than the other. Housework and cooking are simple life skills that every adult should do. Women are not housewives.
But in reality, it is not upbringing, but rather suppression, persecution and exclusion because she suppresses her daughter's intelligence, talents and potential in science, invention, sports and politics.... while encouraging her son to do so.
This is not upbringing and it is not a family, but a misogynistic gang keen on suppressing and excluding women.
The role of women and their nature is not to suppress and cancel their intelligence, talents, capabilities and passion in science, art, sports and politics... and to calcify, perfume and clean for me, to increase her knowledge and hopes. This is suppression, exclusion and racism against women. Women's rights are human rights and are not a subject of discussion or opinions and points of view, but are taken away because of misogyny. This contempt, foolishness and racism against women, suppression and exclusion must end.
" ... but do you have somebody who loves you staring at you everyday, like your child? It's horrible. "
This woman is deeply troubled in many ways, not the least of which is that she wants her future children to make her feel loved. But no one should have a child until they are together enough to subordinate *their* need's to the child's. So that is one major fkked-up-ed-ness.
Also, every creature has to earn its keep -- just look at the animal kingdom. She seems to believe that being a non-WOTH wife and mother doesn't involve much labor. Good luck with that.
And: Being pressured to marry by 21 as a good thing???? Is she still close friends with people she treasured at 18-19, or does she acknowledge that people grow / change a lot during their 20s and 30, such that relationships formed before 20 don't last?
Finally, if she doesn't like having to take care of herself financially, then she can do what women of my mother's / aunts' generation (born between 1910 and 1920) did: Live at home with their parents until marriage, and have zero freedom because their parents -- esp. their father -- will have control of their life.
I grew up on a farm. It's hard, hot, dirty work. You know what there aren't a lot of out in a hayfield?
Shade trees.
I'm a SAHM with small children. I have money and access and support, and it's STILL a rough ride. I haven't had a full night's sleep in 13 months. I routinely don't shower until mid-afternoon, when someone finally has a gap in their schedule long enough to watch my kids for 10 minutes. Does this person think it's all baking cookies and arranging tasteful wildflower bouquets? Because most of the time it's wandering around in a vaguely smelly bathrobe while one kid talks about Lego and the other one tries to sneakily chew on your hair.
"Does this person think it's all baking cookies and arranging tasteful wildflower bouquets?"
Sadly, and infuriatingly, she does. (I have an older cousin who holds not-dissimilar beliefs.)
And: Has she *ever* been in a serious relationship with a man? Does she really not understand that every romantic partnership has spells of conflict and boredom, of being out of sync with each another? Does she not understand that the friction can be greater for women in hetero relationships bc even the best men (and there are many great men out there) tend to be less emotionally available than many women would like, and that *no one* (including women) has completely shed the misogyny of this culture, which also adds to conflict in hetero marriages?
Either she will remain embittered and single, or she will attract her psychological peer and have an unhappy marriage (which will somehow be feminism's/Dems' fault).
Well, good luck to her, I guess. But the idea of looking at tradwife social media and thinking that it's an accurate depiction of ANYONE'S real life doesn't inspire much confidence in this young woman's judgment. It would be like looking at, say, 'Emily in Paris' and thinking it was a documentary on the working-abroad experience...
My mother grew up on a farm. Her entire family were/are farmers. She escaped that life by marrying my father, a true, blue city boy whose idea of going out to the country was having a Saturday picnic in Grant Park (Chicago). I spent several summers having extended stays at one or another family member’s farm. When I was little it was nothing but big fun; sleeping in the hay loft, hand feeding hay to the cows during milking time, throwing corn cobs at the pigs and especially, riding with my uncle on his favorite horse, Ol’ Slivers. I was sure then that I was going to grow up to be a farmer. When I got to be around 11 or 12, I was expected to go out and work with the rest of the men. That’s when the illusion came crashing down around me. I think it was the day we went out around sunrise and spent the entire morning loading and unloading bales of hay on a flatbed trailer. Then, after a quick lunch, we had to stack the bales in the barn. They probably weighed almost as much as I did then and by mid afternoon each one felt like I was trying to power lift a pickup truck.
I grew up on a farm. They had me out on a 1949 Ford tractor at aged 6 raking hay.
And I've boy-handled a few bales of hay that weighed as much as me.
I guess they didn’t put me to work when I was that young because I was a temporary guest for a couple of weeks. So my cousin and I were free to run wild for the most part.
My mother almost lost a leg when she was little. My grandfather had her sit on the front corner of the combine so she could signal him when they got to the end of a row and he’d know it was time to turn around to the next row. She got bounced off when he hit a hole and he ran her over. Maybe that was the reason there weren’t any more kids put out to work until they were older.
Has anyone commented about the Ballerina Farm Lady's egg apron?
I'll tell you, so you don't have to click on the TikTok link. This woman, who has birthed, like, literally 80,000 children for this incredibly rich man, had a birthday. Her husband, who has lots of money, got her a birthday present. As she struggles to open it, she jokes about it being "tickets to Greece," then jokes about it being "a hat to wear in Greece" but no, it is not any of that. It is a hand knit apron with little pockets in the front that she can wear to pick up eggs.
How can any person look at this video and say YES I want this! I want to marry a rich man who will give me a gift that helps me do my job of picking up eggs to feed my 80,000 children.
The second darkest moment of this is when husband says "You're welcome" before she has a chance to say thank you.
Thanks for commenting such that I don't have to watch it. I've never watched or consumed any of her social media -- I consume almost none, anyway -- but I've read enough about her to think that she is one of the most brainwashed and one of the most forlorn persons I can imagine.
I'm torn between feeling compassion for her and the misery of being treated like that by the man who is supposed to be her life's partner, and feeling angry at her for pretending that this hideously regressive life is somehow a good thing. She is misleading a *lot* of impressionable girls and young women.
Conservatives always believe things were better “back then,” so long as you ignore the rampant infectious diseases and primitive medical knowledge that resulted in sky high child and infant mortality, high maternal mortality, and generally shorter life expectancies. Not to mention the social and economic inequality.
I saw this documentary about a typical family from that time frame. The Nelsons. Ozzie and Harriet and their kids. It looked like a pretty nice life.
I really liked the separate single beds for the husband and wife. So practical.
I went to my niece's wedding a few months ago. She married into a farm family with about 2K acres in Minnesota, where they raise cattle and chickens, and farm soybeans and I guess some other crops.
This woman has no idea how insanely hard everyone in a farm family has to work. It's not unusual for my niece to get out of bed before 5 a.m. to make sure chickens are fed or cattle are where they're supposed to be or do any of the other millions of things that have to get done, because her husband is dead to the world because he didn't stop spreading mulch until 11 p.m. last night and he barely had time to eat and shower before collapsing into bed, where he's slumbering and still smelling like mulch, shower or no shower. Day after day after day. I don't think that that "ATW" (oh, Lord) would make it from Sunday through Tuesday.
As someone once noted, the tradwife fantasy is not to be the farmer's wife— they want to be the plantation owner's wife
Speaking as a never married woman who hates working for a living, I think this woman is nuts. She is also delusional. And sounds like an immature dick. Why anyone would put all their eggs in some man's basket and think everything is gonna be okay has never participated in the culture of the last century? There are plenty of books and movies depicting the horrors of women and families who found themselves at the mercy of some man's checkbook.
Never-married, 63yo, usually self-supporting woman here (temporarily out of work bc of cancer). Sometimes I hated my jobs; sometimes I didn't. But I never thought that work was optional; one glance at the animal kingdom makes clear that every living creature is supposed to take care of its own needs, after it has grown out of childhood + adolescence.
That ATW is a petulant human who has chosen not to grow up.
She goes on about working under fluorescent lights for 8, 9, 10 hours and how horrible it is.
Like what she expects her man to do without complaining about it to provide for her.
I never expected to, or campaigned to, find a guy I could leech off all my life.
The idea of having to get approval if I wanted to buy something, was repulsive to me.
My parents would be 109 if they were alive today. Raised in the depression, they knew that everyone in the family who earned money should be helping the whole family out. No one was merely decorative.
I can’t fathom that she hates the fact that she contributes to this country’s tax base and the GDP.
Without her paid labor, we would all be a tiny bit poorer. Ain’t that a kick? And she wants to trade that power in for being a dependent?! KIDS are dependents; not able-bodied, college-educated adults.
My great grandparents were farmers, and they were successful ones, enough so they could leave each of their daughters some Iowa acreage. Even so, they expected each girl to get more education after she earned her high school diploma, whether that was college, beauty school, teaching certificate, etc., so that “You will have a way to support yourself and your children if your husband leaves you, or you are forced to leave him.”
I remember a couple of female movie reviewers complaining about how Kitty Oppenhiemer was portrayed as angry and always drinking in the film. "Where is her AGENCY?", they criticized. As someone who KNEW those women- my mom and my friends moms- I can tell you that they were frustrated as hell. My Mom had been a successful businesswoman, it was both HER money and HER knowledge of building that got my father his start. But once she had two kids, she was stuck at home and having to ask for money from Dad. She was NOT a happy camper. Drinking, smoking, pharmaceuticals and dumping your kids on your friends or parents so you could run off for a weekend (sometimes longer) were the coping mechanisms. (A few chose to become petty tyrants on the PTA.) Fast forward 30+years. My husband took a grueling rural job, we had kids and childcare would have cost far more money than I could make working so, I guess that made me a "tradwife" (gods, I hate that term). I can tell you from experience that it was a harder and more stressful job than management, healthcare or ANY other job I had ever worked- no time off and NO PAYCHECK!
I wanted to marry Gene Kelly when I was about seven. LOL
I wanted to when I was 15! ("That's Entertainment" had come out and had reignited the public's appreciation for classic movies.)
Marie Antoinette cosplaying as a milkmaid in the Petit Trianon
I call bullshit. Tradwives? Tradlies!