Asshole President Tries To Blame Deaths Of Children On Dems Not Wanting His Stupid Wall.
Ladders exist!
Yesterday, our terrible president decided to finally acknowledge the two Guatamalan children, Jakelin Caal Maquin, 7, and Felipe Gómez Alonzo, 8, who died earlier this month in Border Patrol custody. Rather than even bothering to pretend to be capable of empathy, Trump saw this as an opportunity to spin things around and try to blame Democrats (rather than the policies of his own administration) for the children's deaths.
It was pretty fucking gross.
Any deaths of children or others at the Border are strictly the fault of the Democrats and their pathetic immigrati… https: //
— Donald J. Trump (@Donald J. Trump) 1546108216.0
...children in question were very sick before they were given over to Border Patrol. The father of the young girl s… https: //
— Donald J. Trump (@Donald J. Trump) 1546108577.0
Yeah, that part about the father saying he hadn't given her water in days? Absolutely, 100%, not true. Here is his statement to the press, via Buzzfeed :
"Jakelin had not been crossing the desert for days. Jakelin's father took care of Jakelin — made sure she was fed and had sufficient water," the lawyers said in the statement, adding that the Caals "sought asylum from the Border Patrol as soon as they crossed the border."
So that's a lie.
The other part, where Democrats are responsible for these deaths because if he had his stupid wall, these people never would have come in the first place? Also bullshit. No one who opposes the wall opposes it because they think it would be effective. They oppose it because A) It would be very expensive and ineffective because, well, ladders exist, and B) It's fucking gross and we don't want to be that kind of country. No one wants to spend that much money on something that is basically just a self-esteem boost for the worst sorts of people in this country -- people who, at the end of the day, just want to get to feel like they are better than someone else. We would rather spend it on things that would actually improve the lives of those who live here.
And we'd really just prefer that when Border Patrol encounters sick children, that they take care of the sick children rather than just letting them die. Duh.
[ Trump Twitter ]
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Right on! I'm in Texas and get tired of being lumped in with the deplorables. We Are Working On It!
If any effort had been made, let alone a best effort, "shitstain" wouldn't even be part of the discussion, now would it? These fucking people.