BAD NEWS: Elon Just Noticed Tucker Is Creationist Idiot
Bromance on rocks? Or will they get through this?
Could some of the bromance between two of the least compelling white men ever to grace planet Earth be fading? Or nah?
Tucker Carlson did an interview with Joe Rogan (not one of the non-compelling white men this story is about, surprisingly). And in that interview, Tucker shared his creationist idiot science thoughts about evolution.
Watch this video, tweeted by Twitter user “Tim Urban,” who said it was an “incredible display of zealot’s corner.”
Tucker says a lot of dumb shit in that video.
Rogan says “Evolution is real.” Tucker says, “Is it though?” with that high-pitched warble we don’t miss hearing on the TV on a daily basis. Rogan says he doesn’t know, but you can measure and observe evolution. “You can measure adaptation,” says Tucker, making the unscientific creationist idiot’s mistake that there is some large fundamental gulf between “evolution” and “adaptation,” and that the two have nothing to do with one another.
“There’s no evidence that evolution, in fact I think we’ve kinda given up on evolution, the theory of evolution as articulated by Darwin is kinda not true!” Tucker made this up. Nothing has discredited the theory of evolution, and Tucker is clearly one of those pigfucks who thinks a “theory” in science is the same as a “theory” in casual parlance.
“No, there’s no evidence at all, none, zero, that people evolved seamlessly from a single-celled amoeba, no there’s not!”
“Darwin’s theory’s totally, that’s why it’s still a theory 200 years later!”
Tucker’s “theory” is that “God created people. And animals.” And then he high-pitched laughed because OMG obviously duh! Tucker also thinks we understand less about science nowadays than we did centuries ago, which is kind of unbelievable. But sure, buddy!
Elon Musk replied to the tweet that contained the above video.
“Yeah,” he said, in reply to the idea that the video was an “incredible display of zealot’s corner.”
Another post Elon replied to quoted a tweet from Dr. Jonathan Stea, a clinical psychologist and professor from the University of Calgary in Canada, who explained all the scientific reasons Tucker is a moron, specifically as far as his misunderstanding of what “theory” means.
Stea tweeted:
Tucker Carlson misunderstands that in everyday speech, "theory" refers to a hunch or a speculation, but in science, it refers to a comprehensive explanation of nature. Many scientific theories are so well-established that no new evidence is likely to change them. E.g: evolution
The tweeter Elon replied to, who quote-tweeted that one, couldn’t seem to write a reply without using the “R”-word slur, so we won’t quote it, but Elon replied to the general sentiments, saying “Sigh.”
It’s not that Elon HATES Tucker now, he clarifies. He’s certainly not “over Tucker,” as another tweeter suggested.
He’s just disappointed.
Elon tweeted:
This is not a question of being “over Tucker” or not. I don’t agree with his views here, but he does make good points at times. If we excluded people because they held some irrational (in my view) beliefs, there would be almost no one left.
Yeah OK whatever.
Just marking it down in our book this one time that Tucker Carlson was being such an absolute moron even Elon Musk, another needy moron, noticed it.
[h/t Mediaite]
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Every time Robyn gives us another tough piece about homelessness and dammit we need to fix this, I'm always tempted to write something personal up.
I have mental illness. Serious neuropsych mental illness. I've seen some of the best specialists in Canada and a few pretty good ones in Oregon. There's a reason I've never practiced law and it's not because I didn't perform well in my classes.
And I fool all of you b/c I get to turn on the computer exactly when I want, read only what I want, say only what I want. I don't have to set boundaries or fear you'll cross them because the lid of this laptop closes. But as badly as I've wanted to visit a Wonkmeet sometimes, I've never done it, and the reasons for that are the same as the ones for why I don't practice law.
The point of all this, if there is one, is that mental illness doesn't have to look like you think it does. And if you're not lucky enough to have a stable family before it becomes too much, then death or homelessness quickly become the only options, and they don't always look that dissimilar.
So if you don't know what homelessness looks like, and you find it hard to relate -- maybe not hard to empathize, but hard to relate, hard to understand -- you can always picture your friendly, neighbourhood Crip Dyke in a world where she had just one fewer friend.
Okay, I'm calling it Passover here. Happy holidays & a sweet Passover to all celebrating.