Dejected Conservative Compares Republicans To 'Battered Wives'
The absolute DRAMA of these people.
Republicans always have a good laugh making fun of victims — except when the victims are them, which are far as they are concerned, is in fact the case at all times.
It is especially the case this week when they failed to "The Secret" a "red wave" into existence and lost several elections that they were sure they were going to win, even though they were absurdly bad candidates like an ex-football player with brain damage and multiple personalities and a television snake-oil salesman.
What is this? Is it abuse? It is definitely abuse, says one guy named Bill Hennessey, in a guest column for Gateway Pundit — home of Stupidest Man on the Internet Jim Hoft.
Let's just dive on in!
Republicans lose because Republicans don’t fight. T’hey [sic] don’t report their abuser. They don’t call the cops and get away.
Incorrect. We would love you all to go away. Also you call the cops pretty regularly, often to tell them how very frightened you are of your 9-year-old black neighbor walking down your street catching lantern flies.
Naturally, this lede was followed by what appears to be a dead elephant (could also just be sleeping).

Personally, we would not make light of the abuse of elephants, because it a very serious problem. Or it was when circuses were still a thing. Probably still is in some capacity.
I listened to Steve Bannon interviewing a Republican candidate for a statewide office in Nevada. The candidate was well ahead of his Democrat opponent. Bannon wanted to help this guy, but he ended up making the candidate look like a battered woman.
The candidate aired a list of grievances that would humble Frank Costanza. All legitimate, by the way. But when asked what he’s doing about the locked rooms, the lies from election officials, the confusion, his answer was, more or less, “We have people on the inside observing and taking notes.” Mall cops.
He can't actually do anything because of how this is all made up. You can't "The Secret" voter fraud into having happened.
So sad. Republicans still think this is 1958, that they and Democrats have different paths to the same goal. At least, that’s what they pretend to believe. Republicans actually suffer from pathological cognitive dissonance. The story they tell themselves—that Democrats love America as much as Republicans—is obviously untrue.
I'm sorry what? Republicans have been calling liberals "anti-American" before I was even born. Hell, we were basically seditious traitors during the Iraq War. And I certainly can't think of any time at which they thought we had the same goal. I can't even fathom what that goal would possibly be.
Were they ever under the impression that we wanted to live in a fascist hellscape in which everyone is legally required to at least pretend to be Christian, cisgender and heterosexual? In which poverty is a death sentence because there is no social safety net? In which women are forced to marry by the age of 22 and barred from employment? In which colleges are barred from teaching anything but math and Jesus?
If so, I'm gonna say that's on them, because we have never done anything to lead them to believe this is true.
Democrats crave control of the country, for sure. They want control of everything, including every human’s brain. They want the power of life and death. In short, Democrats’ end game is the same as Hitler’s and Stalin’s. They want it all, and they don’t want to be bothered with competing goals.
I'm going to assume that "They want the power of life and death" either means that many of us believe in universal healthcare or that many of us oppose the death penalty.
It's strange hearing that we want to control anyone when practically everything Republicans do legislatively is directed at controlling people. They want to bar abortion, they want to bar parents from being allowed to take their kids to drag queen story hours, they want to force their religion on everyone, they want to bar trans children from getting the medical care deemed appropriate for them by the doctors and parents.
The only "goal" the Right has put forth in recent years is that they want to stop other people from existing or force them to exist in a way they find more palatable. They want people to stop calling them racist when they say racist things on social media, they want us to stop being so popular on social media so that they can be popular on social media, they want people to stop saying what their pronouns are, they want store clerks to wish them a Merry Christmas, they want LGBTQ people to stop existing, they want Black people to stop complaining about police brutality, they want feminists to stop dying their hair blue and being feminists and to get back in the kitchen and make them a sandwich.
Indeed, here is right wing teen dream/white supremacist fascist Nick Fuentes explaining "We need to take control of the media or take control of the government and force the people to believe what we believe."
“White nationalist Nick Fuentes admits the election proves that "we are in the minority" and "that's why we need a dictatorship": "We need to take control of the media or take control of the government and force the people to believe what we believe."”
— Right Wing Watch (@Right Wing Watch) 1668102549
The idea that we want control of anything is pure projection. Quite frankly no one cares what they think or feel, we would just prefer they refrain from being assholes to other people.
Moreover, Democrats will do anything to achieve their objectives. The only thing stopping them is the Second Amendment, and they more or less admit that. American Democrats differ little from their comrades in Australia and Canada where police brutalized citizens for not wearing masks. Psychopaths love defenseless victims.
Yes, good thing we don't have police brutalizing anyone here, in the United States of America.
People living with battered woman syndrome may feel helpless. This can cause them to wrongly believe they deserve the abuse and that they can’t get away from it. In many cases, this is why people don’t report their abuse to the police or loved ones.
Yes, it is abuse to not just let them win elections.
Republicans have been abused by corrupt Democrat election officials for 60 years or more, but the elections of 2020 and 2022 have made the abuse impossible to deny.
Republicans know the vote count delays, the garrisoned counting centers, the expulsion of non-Democrat observers, the late-night ballot drops days after polls closed are evidence of stolen elections. But to admit that elections are crooked would be to admit they are part of a fraud. If the vote is rigged and you’re a Republican officeholder, you won for one of two reasons:
1. Your election was rigged.
2. You’re not important enough to defeat.
So we're rigging all the elections, but we're letting Republicans have the House and also we did not bother to give ourselves a filibuster proof majority in the Senate? That is some very bad planning on our part!
Not to mention the fact that if we really wanted to control everything, we'd go and steal some of those elections in all of the states that have been gerrymandered within an inch of their lives to ensure a Republican victory and undo all of that. Alas, while we are apparently experts when it comes to vote-stealing, we are incredibly incompetent otherwise.
Democrats begin filing lawsuits months before each election. Specious suits in pre-selected courts with pre-selected judges who will grant whatever they ask for.
Republicans are afraid to file election lawsuits, believing their abuse will only get worse or that they’ll be disinvited from the cool parties.
“Why don’t you leave him?”
“Because, when he’s good, he’s so good to me.”
To certain Republicans who’ve spent too much time in politics, “when he’s good to me” is invitations to the right soirees with George Clooney—things you have to know a Democrat to get into. They’ll take “his” punches if “he” leaves a small Army post in the Republican’s state.
Yeah I don't think they actually get invited to any cool parties, or that said parties remain cool once they get there. If I were at a very cool party and Lindsey Graham showed up, I would say "Hey, let's get out of here, this place sucks now." I mean, I'd yell at him first, but then I would go someplace better.
What would the non -abusive version of this be? That Democrats would invite Republicans who claim the elections are all rigged to said "cool parties?" Shared custody of George Clooney?
Meanwhile, the Republicans who have not been in politics long—Kari Lake, Herschel Walker, Donald Trump—fight like hell. They don’t concede (which is the whole purpose of the Looooooooong count). They don’t apologize. They don’t “respect” their Republican elders. They stand for things you and I can rally around. They paint pictures we can see and desire unlike the Turtle and that fake crier Paul Ryan.
It's literally not the purpose of the long count. It takes longer to call a race when it is tight than when it isn't because they have to count every single vote to be sure. They know this. It's been explained to them a bajillion times.
Part of the problem, I think, is that these people really do believe they are the majority — and that Democrats and the left make up only a tiny, tiny portion of the population. They believe this despite the wide margins with which we win the popular vote and despite the incredible power they believe we wield. Therefore, any election they do not win has to have been rigged. There can be no other answer.
The only faction of the Republican that’s actually growing is MAGA. The establishment GOP is like the Novus Ordo Catholic Church—closing parishes and schools because of lack of interest.
I don’t hate the battered Republicans. They don’t know any better. Their methods once worked.
But the battered Republicans are fighting a 20th century war in the 21st century. You don’t have to hate them. You shouldn’t listen them. You cannot support them or elect them.
On that we can agree! Don't vote for any Republicans, ever. Fantastic plan!
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Self-abuse doesn't count.
Ummm.... "The only thing stopping them is the Second Amendment, and they more or less admit that"?
More or less?
I'm thinking less, considering that most of us remember that Vanilla ISIS, for all their "superior" firepower, couldn't take over an unmanned bird sanctuary, and we laugh at these assholes who think their toys make a difference.
And I hate to tell this dude, but I've been spat at, threatened, and told I should be locked up for being liberal almost as long as I've been liberal by the same little paytreeyuts he's painting as passive and undemonstrative.