Behold! It Is Your Easter Open Thread, Starring A Very Scary Marie Osmond Rabbit Person.
Hello! Here a beautiful open thread for you to not comment all over, so that you don't not comment all over Dok's book club post.
I was gonna drop my Nonnie's recipe for Easter bread in here, but apparently it has to proof overnight and is also for approximately 87,000 people, so not much of a point to that! (Though here it is if you really want it. She doesn't do the egg thing, but if you want, you can put some dyed raw eggs in the braided dough before you bake. And you can add sprinkles, and anise if you're gross and like gross things) I was gonna try and make it myself last night, but have instead opted to just make waffles. Waffles are FINE.
So instead, I shall just leave you with this absolutely terrifying version of The Velveteen Rabbit starring Marie Osmond as said velveteen rabbit. Coincidentally, Marie Osmond is also Nonnie's 2nd arch-nemesis, after Rachel Ray (Rachel Ray because she doesn't pull her hair back when she cooks, and Marie for reasons I'm not entirely clear on but which I believe are related to a Weight Watchers commercial).
THE VELVETEEN RABBIT starring Marie Osmond - full length feature
OK! Talk amongst yourselves! Or send us money! Or both! Your choice!
It’s huge. I’m more of a lifelong Steve Earle fan. :). Have met him once. He’s really good to his fans.
We find them epic, but to each, her own:)