Manly Army Guy Ben Shapiro Knows Why Recruitment Numbers Are Down, It's The Damned Drag Queens Again
These people are getting more malignantly stupid by the day.
POP QUIZLET: Why are military recruiting numbers down?
It turns out there are a lot of valid answers to this question, as a bunch of different factors have sort of converged at once to create the current recruitment crisis. But none of those answers are WOKE BUD LIGHT PRONOUN GENDER TYRANNY! despite what every bitching and moaning and screaming and whining right-wing man would like you to believe. In fact, according to a recent survey of youngs, only five percent of respondents said "woke" was a reason they didn't want to join. And you know who those five percent are? The biggest fucking losers in all the land. You wouldn't trust them to protect you from a bumblebee.
By the way, it wasn't the vaccine mandate either.
One simple reason is that young folks simply don't look at the military as the viable career path they used to. One increasing reason is that they feel joining the military would be putting their life — and by extension their career — on hold. We have extremely low unemployment rates these days. That doesn't help military recruitment. There are of course the normal reasons like "don't want to die," and "don't want to leave my family." In short, they don't want to join.
COVID didn't help.
The only people citing "wokeness" are bitching little white weakling Republican men, most of whom have never served, who blame everything that pisses them off on "wokeness," and just in general by extension on LGBTQ+ people.
Hello, Ben Shapiro! How you doin' down there?
This is not the first time Ben has stepped up on his soapbox or his stepladder or climbed up in his booster seat or anything else that would get him high enough to pound his fists on the table about this. Telling us about how the military is supposed to be "very male" and "traditional masculinity" and all kinds of other words that totally come to mind when we think of a guy who once cleared his throat and opened his nasal face holes to ask his doctor wife what kind of medical conditions might cause pussies to get wet.
Get on your booster seat and shout about drag queens in the Navy, Ben. Is there an active duty sailor who is a drag queen? Are they using that person for recruitment? Are all the guys like you upset about it?
“Ben Shapiro: "There ain't enough guys who want to be drag queens to staff the Navy"”
— Jason Campbell (@Jason Campbell) 1683127765
He's so mad. He angrily prisses that our military is caving to "atavistic individualism" and "sexual identity!"
He complains that in the Army, you are supposed to give up your individualism! And that means no drag queens!
Here, Shapiro, a failed Hollywood screenwriter who sings showtunes, explains what "Army" is like:
SHAPIRO: I mean literally the Army and the Navy are about "Go to this place and risk your life to do this thing without thinking twice about it. Like, the most individual part of you, namely, your life, you need to take that hill, and you are going to take that hill, and we don't care if you're afraid, and we don't care if you get a leg blown off, you are going to take that hill.
And they're like "well we're gonna still tell you to take the hill, you need to take the hill, but before you do I need you to dance around a little bit and do some splits and maybe wear a thong. Because you need to feel your, individualism is the core of the Army.
This is why Ben Shapiro thinks recruitment is down.
SHAPIRO: You can't tell people join the Navy to find your inner drag queen! And then expect that a bunch of a patriotic men are like "In! Let's do this thing!"
SHAPIRO: And by the way, there aren't enough guys that want to be drag queens to staff the Navy! THERE AREN'T!
He broke the news to us with tough love, all of us who think there are enough guys that want to be drag queens to staff the Navy. THERE AREN'T.
We just have one question for Ben Shapiro, expert of "Army" and "Navy," and it is:

We cannot imagine being so malignantly stupid as to take anything Ben Shapiro or any of his freakshow stranger danger creeper coworkers say seriously, but these people have a big audience.
This is who the good and decent people of America are fighting against.
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Ben Shapiro: "There ain't enough guys who want to be drag queens to staff the Navy"
Oh, I don't know about that.