Completely irrelevant, but I heard Shawn Michaels' intro music clearly for the first time and now I can't get it out of my head.

"I'm just a sexy boy... sexy boooyyyy...!"


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It’s kinda amazing how much InBev owns. Pretty certain buying something else cause yer boycotting bud light would still end up putting money in inbev’s pocket

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I can smell the digital detergent from here.

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Are they going to show clips like the helicopter "FOX - NOT RACIST BUT FIRST WITH RACISTS"?

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1,300 people are dying every day in the US from Covid.

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I'm confused why I posted a South Park clip while talking about the Simpsons.

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I'd appreciate it if Susan Sarandon would stroll up to me and tell me again how both parties are the same.

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Nice company you keep, Margarine.

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Dang----dude put the HURT on those beer cans---ain't never seen nobody mess up a can like that :)

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that's called "making a statement!"a really lame, inbred jackass kind of statement

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Did you know your hands are soaking in it? (If you get this you are, like me, nearly older than dirt)

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Isn't he the guy who has been threatening to release some really bad info on Marj for a while but has never come through?

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Ali Alexander is a he, of the self loathing variety. High melanin for a GOP shit-stirrer.

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Hoegaarten is worth it. Belgian & still made in Belgium, although purchased by Inbev & marketed in the US by Bud.

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Nothing is ever the fault of the people who prevented good things from happening, it's always "Democrats failed to x"

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One more reason to - to coin a phrase - Let Them Fight.

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