Alert the ketchup klean up krew at Motel a Lago!

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Mary Bonauto!!!!!!!! I knew her wife, Jennifer Wriggins, in law school, and she is one awesome person. Jennifer was in the class after mine, but we had one class together, Sex Discrimination taught in winter term (three weeks of class every day) by Catharine MacKinnon. I was utterly in awe of her. And the class changed my life, so there's that.

That is one well-deserved medal recipient. That perks my day right up.

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I know the Wriggins family! I lived on the same island as they when the case was decided, and everyone was so happy with the conclusion after so many years of hard work.

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"Bet those sting REAL bad."

One can hope...

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The PrePardon Medal of Pardon?

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Somehow, we have to find a way to stop Trump from bulldozing the USA. If he has his way, the USA will become a feudal economy directed by an unremovable set of oligarchs. Very similar to Putin's Russia

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And then the murders begin

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Try a vassal state of Putin's Russia.

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Trump won by a very narrow margin Yes, nominating a woman was a meaningful gesture, but was it worth it. Apparently, a large portion of the voters weren't ready for it The Dems should have found a White Christian man instead, who would have beaten Trump by a landslide. and they should have started promoting him at least a year ago if Biden wasn't going to run As an old lawyer once told me "principles are a fine thing, if you can afford them".

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coulda, woulda, shoulda----any other bullshit on tap?

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It's just sad reality No BS

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Will Trump's "Victory Rally" be J6 2.0? Perhaps they will try to drag Biden out of the White House and string him up, I wouldn't put it past them.

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He has promised to send the DOJ after anyone who "wronged" him, and the military after anyone who opposes him. He plans an administration very much like Putin's "It can't happen here!! " Famous last words

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Yeah Liz, who overcame all the stuff I disagree with her about to win my respect.

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Biden is doing everything he can to save something out of Trump's soon to be wreckage.

Keep going, Mr. President. Roberts and the Immoral Majority can't touch you now as long as it's an "official act."

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I'd like to see the President bestow awards on the people who fought the good fight against that POS and his cronies:

Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, Fani Willis, Jack Smith, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss.

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He should give one to George Takei if he does not already have one...

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I saw the ancient "Twilight Zone" episode with George last night, he was teh awesome.

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Even MAGA know J6 was a blight on America’s already chapped ass.

Facts even they accept, with eye rolls:

Trump repeatedly and bombastically refused to accept the results of the election, calling it names like “hoax,” “rigged,” and such and such.

Trump reminded his frothy followers that 1/6 was THE day, and where to be, and why. “It’ll be wild!” “Fight like hell!”

Trump was wheeled back to the White House to eat burgers while the mob climbed walls, broke thru barriers, attacked police, and then sacked the Capitol, all while erecting gallows for his Vice President and hunting for congresspeople on both sides of the aisle to hurt or kill.

Trump did nothing for 2-3 hours.

After shit was mostly calming, dead bodies were being removed and the mob dogs had caught the bus and didn’t know what to do with it, Trump expressed his love for them and sympathized with their rage.

The fact that he wasn’t indicted within a year of that, tried, convicted and jailed for attempting a violent coup and attack on Congress is a tragic failure for America.

Those are facts, not that they matter.

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Personally I would have preferred Biden troll Trump by appointing an AG that would have gone after him with guns blazing as opposed than this meaningless gesture, but that’s just me I guess.

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Water wayyyyyyyyy under the bridge.....

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It would be a damn shame if this made rage yam so fucking mad that something blew in his head. Like an aneurysm.

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We would then see an epic fight between Musk and Thiel over control of the country, both of them playing tug-o-war with whassname's arms.

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Yay, Liz!!!! Now, please hire Israeli-style commandos to protect you from the coming "lib hunt".

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Biden should introduce a new "award" given to those who very obviously broke the oaths they took to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" when they took positions in government. Roberts gets one, TFG, Comer, Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan all get one etc etc.

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We used to have those. They were called indictments.

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The Citizenship in Public Office equivalent of a RAZZIE

Of course, there would need to be 135 made for the chuckleheads in Congress who refused to certify POTUS Joe's election

(and whom Cori Bush tried to circulate a resolution to be expelled but White Democrats in Congress would not support 😐)


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