On Friday, I wrote a non-comment saying that Black people, single women and the queer community carried the water to get Biden elected to the White House. As a result, we get the brunt of the attack from the GOP: Roe overturned, voting rights overturned, laws passed attacking trans athletes and on and on.
As a result, someone went so far as to saying that THEY voted for Biden - not Sinter Klaas. It's so insulting. But, of course, what's our choice? I just wish Biden would stop stepping on fucking rakes. Attack fascism, Joe!!!
Never met a human, much less a politician, who says what I consider to be the right thing all the time, or never says stupid things, myself included. Biden is willing to listen to people and grow, and doesn’t seem to make policy based upon hatred.
I agree with Crip Dyke; this is a gap in understanding, and as such is an opportunity for education for people willing to learn, such as Biden.
Indeed, in every single way possible this country should be doing fucking better in regards to respecting the human rights of it’s citizens, despite their sex, gender, “race”, class, or ability. But it seems like he’s trying, and I won’t be cutting off the Biden to spite the country.
My stepmother had to have (wasn't cosmetic in other words) breast reconstruction surgery as a younger teen. This was in the '60s. Guess who picked out her new boobs? Her dad. Guess what size they were? In any event not her size preference at the time nor as she became an adult, but she was stuck with them unless she wanted to go under the knife some more which she didn't.
Lots to be ruminated on about her's and this situation but it's important to note that the majority of studies I am aware of (how many are there to be aware of? Not many!) show that trans youth and trans not so youth-y have far fewer regrets about their surgical choices than almost every other somewhat comparable procedures (cosmetic breast surgery, dick enlargement surgery -- okay I threw the DE in there to lighten things up, but you get my drift.)
Also too; no two patients are completely alike for ANY of their medical treatment needs! This false flag bullshit about how much the Hand Wringing Right Winging Fetus Fetish But Fuck Wimmin And Their Taker Children ChristoFascists "pretend-care" about trans youth is another sucker punch only the stoopid think is real.
Make no mistake, Killing Roe turned your average fire and brimstone religious bigot into a nuclear conflagration that will take all of us down with them if we fall for their fake as fuck ethical/moral (read: hate filled) agendas on any level! Don't be their useful idiot! Let them exploit their own!
And just like Old Handsome Joe should have done: DON'T TAKE THEIR BAIT! EDUCATE!
Obama changed his mind on gay marriage, Biden can change his mind on this.
Okay I had no idea that kids under 18 got surgery for breast stuff or anything related to their hormones acting inappropriately. Or that they can get breast implants and reconstruction and nose jobs. I thought, like, you have to be 18 to get a tattoo, you probably have to be 18.
I see I'm wrong! Thank you Crip Dyke for cleaning this up.
Seems to me that making a decision about sexual reassignment surgery before the brain is even done growing is a recipe for disaster. Also, everyone needs to support Biden No Matter What, because with the alternative you can throw your trans rights, an many, many other rights, right out the window. Just sayin'.
Firstly, "sexual reassignment surgery" is one of dozens of different medical procedures that can be performed on someone who is not cis. This is why medical knowledge is in the hands of medical people. Would you want a judge or a Billy Bob Buford from Bumfuck, Transphobia operating on your _______? Thinking notly. Cherry picking which surgery(-ies) YOU the person NOT considering having them has decided are okay/not okay is NONE OF YOUR F'ING BUSINESS and you need a quick visit to a Trans-awareness reeducation camp (they're in all 50 states now and even Guam, or so Ben Carson "The Sleepy Brainsurgeon" tells me) so you can stop spouting your uneducated, unfounded and incredibly unhelpful "beliefs" AKA "opinions."
Ta, Crip Dyke. I'm still voting Biden-Harris and a straight D ticket. Between now and his second inauguration, we have to educate Biden on transpeople. All of us allies must rally behind our most marginalized and vulnerable citizens.
This troubles me, but as the parent of a nonbinary child I’d prefer OHJB, who at least recognizes LGBTQ+ and has trans people on his staff, than Orange Hitler and Project 2025. I vote for harm reduction.
As a trans person I am also SICK TO FUCKING DEATH of being used as a political football by the Right. Good on those trans youth in the UK currently protesting over there.
There was a MASH episode where a Swedish doctor encountered Klinger and suggested they had surgery that might help him. Of course he goes "NO!" and runs off. Generally the show took lengths to make sure they were accurate, so I'm guessing trans operations were normal in Europe even in the 50's. Yet here's America in the 21st century and they still go batty over it.
I think this issue is more nuanced. Medical treatment should fall under the universal constitutional privacy right. It's between kid, parent and doctor.
Whoops, hit button before the but. Now before you all rush to pat your backs over my eviscerated corpse, I am not comparing the following example to gender affirming care. Gac good, bad this: remember the vocal minority of idiots (doctors on paper) who either denied covid or endorsed alt treatments? What if kid, parent and doctor decided to inject kid with bleach?
I guess what I'm asking is whether there is ever a circumstance where govt should come between kidparentdoctor.
Not even that. How is "best practices" for a Jewish girl to get a nose job?
I'm not versed in the lingo of public health policy, but there can be levels:
1) contraindicated: a treatment decision that we normally trust doctors to make was made badly, for reasons. REMEDY: Medical malpractice suits, disciplinary action by a medical board.
2) Restricted and monitored: Special documentation is required whenever the treatment is provided, and a government agency is tasked with reviewing the documentation after the fact looking for abuses or misuses. Treatment, however, is not delayed. Currently the primary examples include prescriptions for abusable drugs and/or drugs so dangerous that they should not be used off-label (a drug with terrible side effects might be justified in treating an otherwise deadly cancer, but even if it has other positive effects -- like killing parasites, which some cancer drugs do -- using it for those other purposes is forbidden as there are other drugs that can achieve the same benefits without the same toxicity/harm). Ideally this is for drugs known to be abused by the public, treatments where positive effects are not well documented but safety is well documented, or positive effects are well documented but there is reason to suspect as-yet unquantified serious dangers to life and/or health. REMEDY: Malpractice suits. Physician discipline. Possible jail time for controlled substances.
3) Restricted and delayed, with pre-approval required. In the current environment this is primarily for treatments administered as part of a clinical trial, where certain levels of risk of harm can be ruled out because of animal studies or smaller trials, but harm from interactions likely to occur with wider use cannot be ruled out. Likely to be in this category when benefits shown are not well supported AND risks of unknown serious dangers can't be ruled out. REMEDY: Malpractice suits. Physician discipline. Loss of clinical privileges at hospitals, etc. Loss of tenure for professors. Ineligibility of physicians to work on clinical studies in the future (if funded by public money).
4) Banned: This so-called treatment actively causes harm AND does not treat the problem it is purported to treat -- or at least it has never been documented to have positive effect, and there is at least some reason to believe that that positive effect does not exist. REMEDY: Malpractice suits, jail time for those involved (save the victim, in the case of a child or vulnerable person).
Hey, I wasn't criticizing. No need to delete your comment. I thought your comment was a good point for jumping off into a deeper discussion. So I was writing something I thought would add to the deeper discussion. I had absolutely no intent to discourage you. I'm very sorry that happened.
Whelp. Guess we know what excuse the Bernard Brethren are going to use to declare anyone voting for the Democrats is ACKSHOEALLY a transphobic fascist and that voting Tru-uh, I mean-third party or for Bernie is the only thing a True Progressive ™️ would do.
On Friday, I wrote a non-comment saying that Black people, single women and the queer community carried the water to get Biden elected to the White House. As a result, we get the brunt of the attack from the GOP: Roe overturned, voting rights overturned, laws passed attacking trans athletes and on and on.
As a result, someone went so far as to saying that THEY voted for Biden - not Sinter Klaas. It's so insulting. But, of course, what's our choice? I just wish Biden would stop stepping on fucking rakes. Attack fascism, Joe!!!
Never met a human, much less a politician, who says what I consider to be the right thing all the time, or never says stupid things, myself included. Biden is willing to listen to people and grow, and doesn’t seem to make policy based upon hatred.
I agree with Crip Dyke; this is a gap in understanding, and as such is an opportunity for education for people willing to learn, such as Biden.
Indeed, in every single way possible this country should be doing fucking better in regards to respecting the human rights of it’s citizens, despite their sex, gender, “race”, class, or ability. But it seems like he’s trying, and I won’t be cutting off the Biden to spite the country.
My stepmother had to have (wasn't cosmetic in other words) breast reconstruction surgery as a younger teen. This was in the '60s. Guess who picked out her new boobs? Her dad. Guess what size they were? In any event not her size preference at the time nor as she became an adult, but she was stuck with them unless she wanted to go under the knife some more which she didn't.
Lots to be ruminated on about her's and this situation but it's important to note that the majority of studies I am aware of (how many are there to be aware of? Not many!) show that trans youth and trans not so youth-y have far fewer regrets about their surgical choices than almost every other somewhat comparable procedures (cosmetic breast surgery, dick enlargement surgery -- okay I threw the DE in there to lighten things up, but you get my drift.)
Also too; no two patients are completely alike for ANY of their medical treatment needs! This false flag bullshit about how much the Hand Wringing Right Winging Fetus Fetish But Fuck Wimmin And Their Taker Children ChristoFascists "pretend-care" about trans youth is another sucker punch only the stoopid think is real.
Make no mistake, Killing Roe turned your average fire and brimstone religious bigot into a nuclear conflagration that will take all of us down with them if we fall for their fake as fuck ethical/moral (read: hate filled) agendas on any level! Don't be their useful idiot! Let them exploit their own!
And just like Old Handsome Joe should have done: DON'T TAKE THEIR BAIT! EDUCATE!
Biden REALLY needs to get some advisors who know how to read the room, and then fucking LISTEN to them. FFS.
But he doesn't need to get FFS himself unless he really wants it:P
(To be clear since this is a text-only medium: that is a joke on the two different meanings of the abbreviation "FFS.")
Obama changed his mind on gay marriage, Biden can change his mind on this.
Okay I had no idea that kids under 18 got surgery for breast stuff or anything related to their hormones acting inappropriately. Or that they can get breast implants and reconstruction and nose jobs. I thought, like, you have to be 18 to get a tattoo, you probably have to be 18.
I see I'm wrong! Thank you Crip Dyke for cleaning this up.
Seems to me that making a decision about sexual reassignment surgery before the brain is even done growing is a recipe for disaster. Also, everyone needs to support Biden No Matter What, because with the alternative you can throw your trans rights, an many, many other rights, right out the window. Just sayin'.
Firstly, "sexual reassignment surgery" is one of dozens of different medical procedures that can be performed on someone who is not cis. This is why medical knowledge is in the hands of medical people. Would you want a judge or a Billy Bob Buford from Bumfuck, Transphobia operating on your _______? Thinking notly. Cherry picking which surgery(-ies) YOU the person NOT considering having them has decided are okay/not okay is NONE OF YOUR F'ING BUSINESS and you need a quick visit to a Trans-awareness reeducation camp (they're in all 50 states now and even Guam, or so Ben Carson "The Sleepy Brainsurgeon" tells me) so you can stop spouting your uneducated, unfounded and incredibly unhelpful "beliefs" AKA "opinions."
Ta, Crip Dyke. I'm still voting Biden-Harris and a straight D ticket. Between now and his second inauguration, we have to educate Biden on transpeople. All of us allies must rally behind our most marginalized and vulnerable citizens.
This troubles me, but as the parent of a nonbinary child I’d prefer OHJB, who at least recognizes LGBTQ+ and has trans people on his staff, than Orange Hitler and Project 2025. I vote for harm reduction.
Joe is the nominee……….
As a trans person I am also SICK TO FUCKING DEATH of being used as a political football by the Right. Good on those trans youth in the UK currently protesting over there.
Hang in there! We see you, we love you and we will do EVERYTHING KIND to help keep you and your/our tribe safe!
Thank you. It's nice to know we have allies in the world. All this anti-trans nonsense is exhausting.
There was a MASH episode where a Swedish doctor encountered Klinger and suggested they had surgery that might help him. Of course he goes "NO!" and runs off. Generally the show took lengths to make sure they were accurate, so I'm guessing trans operations were normal in Europe even in the 50's. Yet here's America in the 21st century and they still go batty over it.
I'm gonna go find a tree because sometimes I wonder if we wouldn't have been better off just staying there.
I think this issue is more nuanced. Medical treatment should fall under the universal constitutional privacy right. It's between kid, parent and doctor.
More nuanced than what?
Whoops, hit button before the but. Now before you all rush to pat your backs over my eviscerated corpse, I am not comparing the following example to gender affirming care. Gac good, bad this: remember the vocal minority of idiots (doctors on paper) who either denied covid or endorsed alt treatments? What if kid, parent and doctor decided to inject kid with bleach?
I guess what I'm asking is whether there is ever a circumstance where govt should come between kidparentdoctor.
Not even that. How is "best practices" for a Jewish girl to get a nose job?
I'm not versed in the lingo of public health policy, but there can be levels:
1) contraindicated: a treatment decision that we normally trust doctors to make was made badly, for reasons. REMEDY: Medical malpractice suits, disciplinary action by a medical board.
2) Restricted and monitored: Special documentation is required whenever the treatment is provided, and a government agency is tasked with reviewing the documentation after the fact looking for abuses or misuses. Treatment, however, is not delayed. Currently the primary examples include prescriptions for abusable drugs and/or drugs so dangerous that they should not be used off-label (a drug with terrible side effects might be justified in treating an otherwise deadly cancer, but even if it has other positive effects -- like killing parasites, which some cancer drugs do -- using it for those other purposes is forbidden as there are other drugs that can achieve the same benefits without the same toxicity/harm). Ideally this is for drugs known to be abused by the public, treatments where positive effects are not well documented but safety is well documented, or positive effects are well documented but there is reason to suspect as-yet unquantified serious dangers to life and/or health. REMEDY: Malpractice suits. Physician discipline. Possible jail time for controlled substances.
3) Restricted and delayed, with pre-approval required. In the current environment this is primarily for treatments administered as part of a clinical trial, where certain levels of risk of harm can be ruled out because of animal studies or smaller trials, but harm from interactions likely to occur with wider use cannot be ruled out. Likely to be in this category when benefits shown are not well supported AND risks of unknown serious dangers can't be ruled out. REMEDY: Malpractice suits. Physician discipline. Loss of clinical privileges at hospitals, etc. Loss of tenure for professors. Ineligibility of physicians to work on clinical studies in the future (if funded by public money).
4) Banned: This so-called treatment actively causes harm AND does not treat the problem it is purported to treat -- or at least it has never been documented to have positive effect, and there is at least some reason to believe that that positive effect does not exist. REMEDY: Malpractice suits, jail time for those involved (save the victim, in the case of a child or vulnerable person).
ok I'm sorry.
Hey, I wasn't criticizing. No need to delete your comment. I thought your comment was a good point for jumping off into a deeper discussion. So I was writing something I thought would add to the deeper discussion. I had absolutely no intent to discourage you. I'm very sorry that happened.
Can I offer you a USB-downloadable cookie?
Thank you I was worried I did more bad than good and I'd never want to do that.
"just say nothing" good advice too often ignored.
Old Handsome Joe is teachable.
Yes, he is wired to like people and be nice to them.
I am trans and this changes nothing in the calculus to save democracy
Thank you for a relevant voice of reason.
Whelp. Guess we know what excuse the Bernard Brethren are going to use to declare anyone voting for the Democrats is ACKSHOEALLY a transphobic fascist and that voting Tru-uh, I mean-third party or for Bernie is the only thing a True Progressive ™️ would do.