Are Bill Maher's Imaginary Liberals To Blame For George Santos' Imaginary Life?
Obviously yes. They are to blame for everything.
Last night, on his show that we don't know who the hell still watches outside the 12 people pompous enough to call themselves The Intellectual Dark Web, Bill Maher took some great leaps and bounds to figure out how George Santos and his weird lies fit into his Universal Theory Of Liberals Are To Blame For Everything Bad In The World.
Now, I don't want to be writing about Bill Maher anymore than any of you want to be reminded of him, but the forces of "Oh come the fuck on" within me are simply too strong just to let this one go. I can't help it. I am petty .
Maher starts the bit out by doing a rehash of every joke other people have done a better job of making throughout the last couple weeks, and comes to the conclusion that — rather than simply being a pathological liar, Santos is an incredible genius who figured out that he can appeal to both Republicans and Democrats in their separate media bubbles without either of them noticing. As if this is a sitcom and he accidentally scheduled dates with both of us and has to keep running back and forth between them until we finally figure it out and throw our drinks in his face.
Or maybe he is the real Hannah Montana after all.
New Rule: Explaining George Santos | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
He explains:
The giveaway here is that Santos’ district is Long Island, New York, suburb of Manhattan. Not as liberal, but almost always went Democratic. Biden won it by eight points. So how did a Trump loving, election denying, white nationalist get elected in a Democrat-leaning district?
Simple. He told them what they wanted to hear too. What do liberals love? Identity politics and victimhood, so he said he had a brain tumor, and he was one of the first New Yorkers hospitalized for Covid. He said he lost four coworkers in the famous Pulse Nightclub shooting in 2016. He’s from Brazil, which is overwhelmingly Catholic, but when he ran in New York, he said he was Jewish and in fact his grandparents fled Ukraine to escape the Nazis. That’s right. His Jewish, Ukrainian forefathers escaped the Holocaust by being born Catholic in Brazil. [...]
Everybody keeps asking "How could a guy like this get elected?" I'll tell you how! No one cares anymore about substance. It’s all tribalism. The only thing that matters is "Is he on our team? Is he doing our schtick?"
Santos is just the first to realize you could do both sides' schtick and get away with it, because people have already tuned out anything that doesn't fit their narrative.
I sense some projection on that last one, seeing as how this theory lines up so well with his other theories about how the Left forces Republicans, practically at gunpoint, to be the worst.
It does not, however, line up with reality.
First of all, the Venn Diagram of "Moderate Democrats Who Might Vote For A Republican" and "The People Bill Maher Imagines Would Vote For Someone Based Exclusively On Their 'Identity' And Victim Status'" are two entirely separate circles. There is not a lot of overlap there — though to be fair, the second circle is entirely imaginary.
Second, and far more importantly, Santos' district had historically low turnout in the last election and, as many people have pointed out, the New York Democratic Party didn't do a whole lot to get the vote out. Sure, Biden may have won there by 8 points, but it is far more likely that those 8 points stayed home in November than thought to themselves "HUH! He's a Republican and I am very liberal ... but he's gay and Jewish? Got my vote!" I can't be sure, of course, but I feel rather confident that there is not a single person on earth made that leap. No one did that. Indeed, one would just have to assume that if poorly informed people were going around voting for "whoever" just because they are Jewish, that Robert Zimmerman would have had an edge in that fight.
“Republicans love a winner and Democrats love someone whose life story makes you want to kill yourself,” Maher claimed, without providing a single example of that being true.
It is human nature to come up with ridiculous explanations for why people don't like us — explanations that are flattering to us and insulting to people who don't like us, or people who like other people more than they like us. That's pretty normal and in many cases can be much healthier than worrying about why someone was an asshole. You can't always go around being worried about what everyone thinks of you, that would be exhausting. Especially when you happen to be beautiful and smart and people are just naturally jealous of and/or intimidated by you.

Maher has decided that the reason he is not beloved by large factions of the left (I think almost all of it by this point) is not because he keeps saying things like this or that people disagree with him or that he's just not that funny — but because he is a straight white rich man. "They just don't like me because they only care about identity politics! It's not that people disagree with me or dislike me for entirely valid reasons — it's that I don't check enough boxes for them to agree with me. Because that's how they do things now! If I were a Black lesbian everyone would think I was great and smart and funny and treat me like a queen! People with marginalized identities are all walking down easy street these days!"
That's how you get to "No one cares anymore about substance. It’s all tribalism."
But this is not a deep observation, it is a goddamned Taylor Swift song.
Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me
Even Taylor Swift has moved onto other topics by now, but Maher has been on this particular trip for years, with no sign of stopping. As far as I can tell, it is truly all he ever talks about. It's almost as if thinks if he keeps on it long enough, the Left will finally look at him with new eyes, takes his glasses off, let down his hair and say "You! It's you! Oh how could we have been so blind? So shallow! You were the one all along, but we couldn't see that because we couldn't see beyond you being a white guy!"
He's gonna be waiting a real long time for that.
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WHOOOOOOOSH!!!!! That’s the sound of the air blowing through Maher's empty head.
First thing is what others think about me is none of my business. Second I don't give a shit. Maher you've gone down your own rabbit hole and burrowing tunnels to depths unknown. Goodbye and STFU. You got where you are with LIBERALS, asshole.