I'm wondering what kind of bone could possible be in a chicken tender? It's just a secondary muscle under the breast (sometimes included with the breast). I've never heard of breast containing bones, and certainly not a tender. Then again, this is the first time I've heard of "boneless wings", which I would have assumed were wings with the bones removed.

I don't travel back to the US much anymore (2015 was the last trip, for obvious reasone), so not up to date with whatever they're calling things now.

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Many courts are just set-ups to administer advantages to the ruling class and severe punishment to the uppity. In those cases it has nothing to do with justice, the latest shift being thst it no longer requires even the appearance of justice.

One of the last necessary steps before full authoritarianism is showing the people plainly that you can do whatever the fuck you want, no plausible justification needed. The more bullshit the excuse is, the better. Because once you get people to go along despite it being obvious crap, then you've shown that you've broken them.

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Court rules that words no longer mean things, but are simply marketing tools to be used in selling products.

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Tomato tomatho..

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That court is boneless.

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The quality of judges seems to be rapidly declining.

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Boneless wings are just pre-sauced chicken tenders.

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"we gonna save the bones for Henry Jones, cause Henry don't eat no meat, he's a vegetarian"! HT Danny Barker

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According to this logic vegan leather need not be vegan (or maybe the cows were vegan?) and there should be an expectation that gluten-free bread may indeed contain gluten.

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There was a Monty Python routine about a restaurant that had "Crunchy Frog" on the menu and a customer complains that they haven't taken the bones out of the frog. "Well if we did that, the frog wouldn't be crunchy, now would it? That would be false advertising!"

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"It's a fair cop!"

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I'm starting to think those "Supremes" might not be as supreme as they think they are.

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They are supremely protective of corporate interests, as opposed to little people

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I may actually die of laughing this morning, thank you so much! 😂😂😂

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5 cm is, for Americans, 2 inches. The length of my thumb. That's a helluva chunk of bone to "accidentally" swallow and not notice it was lodged? Just guessing, but perhaps much alcohol was involved. It usually is.

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Yeah that was pretty weird.

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It would have helped if he tried chewing *before* swallowing. Unless it was a boneless wing eating contest. Then you can't fault him for speedrunning/swallowing.

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Unless you're an eagle. Then it's just another day in the nest!

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I guess this is why I always see the disclaimer "Warning Although every care has been taken to remove bones, some may remain." or similar on most boneless things, not just chicken also fish, in the UK.

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Yeah, I can't remember what "boneless" item I bought once was, but on the package that blared "BONELESS!" in big letters there was also a disclaimer in the corner that read "This product may contain bones."

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wither thugs & harmony?

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Larry Kudlow said: Well, you hippies & freaks can go ahead with your 'plant-based beer !!! )

So like there's like,meat-based beer?

Just asking...

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The liver based beer is best served warm...

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how can we forget tyler chicken's chicken beer on seinfeld?

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They discontinued it. People were swallowing the bones.

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Petroleum based is best. Dairy based is good too

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Moosehead ale mate.

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So, lately, everytime i want to give you $$$, I end up talkin' to a homeless PIONEER!, & I give instead to them.

Thanks, Robyn.


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"Like, you should chew a piece of chicken 32 times..."

That’s some Rainman shit right there.

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"I'm a good driver, I'm an excellent driver"

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