What Republicans do is: adopt an LGBT kid...and kill them...with big guns!!!!!!!!!!!!! "F*ck Your Feelings, Libs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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It was Fred and Mary in the manger. The horrible screaming you heard was The Baby Donald. We still hear it today. Praise the Lard.

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That we need a law for this: "LGBTQ+ minors in foster care or adoption proceedings be placed in a home that would be supportive and “free of hostility, mistreatment, or abuse.” " Tells you a lot about Rethugs.

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No one should ever vote for any Republican. They're all filthy trash.

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But the joke is on Banks, as this will just allow the Ghayez to send their kids into straight homes to convert all that are in there.

It's like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but with disco music and sparkles.

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If you were an gay or transgender child, would you want to be adopted by someone like Mike Johnson?

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I would run screaming in the opposite direction, hoping I could escape.

And it makes me wonder if MAGA Mike's "Black son" (whom he claimed to adopt with his wife but according to documents discovered by journalists they only got married TWO YEARS LATER!!) ever got the chance ...

But then again I'm one of those people who saw Jordan Peele's Oscar-winning "GET OUT" and agrees with the auteur that it was in fact a documentary 😫

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Out of curiosity, I googled "pastor" and "convicted" over the weekend. Literally dozens of religious figures have been tried and convicted of sexual crimes, most of which were perpetrated upon minor children. And this is just in the last few months to a year.

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And virtually none of them were drag queens.

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With, as I almost got sick of hashtagging, not a drag queen in sight

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If you're interested in hard numbers, Joe at JoeMyGod keeps a running tally on his twitter feed.

Not all pastors, but I believe all are within church leadership (including youth group leaders, etc.). All are sex crimes against children, either physically or via child sexual abuse material (child porn).

He started it as a response to the "LGBTQ+ are groomers and pedophiles" bullshit from the religious right.

From a few days ago, the 2023 count is 247:


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For a student project in the 1980s, I interviewed a number of kids living on the streets in Hollywood. There were runaway and throwaway kids from around the country, not just California. I was astonished to learn just how many of them were LGBT youth

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One of the things I'm very proud of my teens self was convincing my mother to let a friend that was kicked out and disowned for being gay sleep on our couch for almost two years in our crumby apartment.

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The onion ninjas have struck again!

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you were a tremendous kid

I'm so proud of your kid self

That was very brave

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"what fun is adopting foster kids if we can't terrorize or sexually abuse them?"

I won't even begin to talk about what happened to so many Korean adoptees. I guess I've been thinking about Ellen O's story, finally she committed suicide after making poignant and beautiful music. https://thequietus.com/articles/33624-ellen-o-sparrows-and-doves-review

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"Won't someone think of the bigots??"

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I am just really sick of these RWNJs ginning up panic about trans people, especially trans kids. What do they think is going to happen because trans kids exist and are living their lives out in public? Fire and brimstone a la Sodom and Gomorrah? I think not. Some of them I guess are true believers and they think their God wants them to institute weird repressive laws. But they sure are also using the panic to score political points. They want their base so riled up by the idea that they will never, ever vote Dem, Dems being the party that is not full of trans bigots.

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"opposed to irreversible sex change procedures on kids."


And just FTR - a republican is the last person to be lecturing anyone on morality - you lying creep.

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Q: Why is a Rethuglican who seeks to foster an LGBTQ+ kid like an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie sequel?

A: Predator Too?

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Aren’t there evangelical parents who seek to adopt Native children specifically to “Christianize” them? I wouldn’t put it past them to apply specifically for LGBTQ kids, as opposed to adopting the very young children and then trying to convert them once their sexual orientation becomes apparent.

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"Aren’t there evangelical parents who seek to adopt Native children specifically to “Christianize” them?"

Not just here, but also in Canada

And the horror show around that is so much that I don't even want to cite it

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And African children, and any other children they can get their damned christofascist paws on.

There was a book about it called The Child Catchers or something that talks about this.

Several of these children have been beaten to death or otherwise punished to death when they weren't "obedient" enough to their adoptive parents.

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I have some very rural relatives here in Oregon who have adopted probably 10-12 children from all over the globe, but mostly the Philippines. They always homeschooled them and used them as farm workers alongside their own creepy children of the corn. I always felt sad for those kids because they had such strict rules and slave-like chores.

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There are a lot of terrible people with -R behind their names. Banks is a good poster boy for such offal.

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I would posit that all people with - r are terrible.

(arrrr pirate sounds required for no reason)

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Let them disprove it

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