Bush Finally Wins Landslide ... As Nation's #1 Villain

George W. lost the popular vote in 2000 and won by a slim 2% in 2004, but the least-loved president has finally achieved the overwhelming victory he always wanted -- one in four Americans chose him as the No. 1 villain in the whole world! Bush totally beat also-ran villains such as Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden.
Again proving how deeplyretardeddivided our nation is, another 13% of Americans picked Dubya as No. 1 hero.
Enough about politicians nobody much likes, let's find out how Angelina Jolie rates. In the Best Celebrity Role Model category -- and yes, this is from the same AP/Ipsos poll -- 8% of Americans chose the serial-adopter as the greatest. (Her boyfriend who abandoned his wife was chosen Best Celebrity Role Model by 2% of the people, proving that Jolie's radiating UN goodness can ever rub off a bit on a heartless man who has never done anything for anybody.)
AP Poll: Bush Both a Villain and a Hero [AOL News]