California Politician Becomes Republican, Almost Immediately Gets Sued For Sexual Harassment
You'll never guess the famous name that pops up in this story.
With the approach of the high-stakes, future-of-democracy-in-America election that could return orange jizz sock Donald Trump to the world’s most powerful office and has the public vacuuming up the national Xanax reserve at a rapid pace, wouldn’t it be nice to have some non-consequential and grossly tawdry sex scandal to give our poor, stressed-out minds a break?
Well then, let us meet California state Sen. Marie Alvarado-Gil, a one-time Democrat who recently switched parties and joined the GOP, and her former chief of staff, Chad Condit. Last week, Condit sued his former boss for engaging in “erratic, controlling, sexually dominating abuse of authority and power,” and then allegedly firing him when he resisted her demands he “go down on her” (exact words from the lawsuit) as part of his job duties.
And if you recognize the name Condit, you are the sort of discerning Wonkette reader who remembers those halcyon summer days just prior to September 11, when Washington DC was obsessed with the story of California congressman Gary Condit and his affair with a 24-year-old intern who had disappeared while jogging in Rock Creek Park. Chad Condit is Gary Condit’s son.
The LA Times writes that according to the lawsuit, the relationship between Condit and Alvarado-Gil began with the latter “grooming” the former by talking to him about her sex life, her divorces, her affairs, and her apparently regular consumption of ayahuasca and weed gummies. At some point she allegedly started asking if Condit and his wife would be open to forming a throuple with her, which we imagine would have made for some very awkward small talk around the office coffee machine.
It’s as if Alvarado-Gil saw how badly regular threesomes went for Florida Republican power couple Christian and Bridget Ziegler and said, “Oh yeah, give me some of that mess.” Allegedly. (Through her lawyer, she denies all of this.)
Anyway, the lawsuit says things eventually turned physical, as is their wont:
[D]uring a work trip to Inyo County, Chad Condit alleged, Alvarado-Gil demanded he show his allegiance to her “by having him go down on her.” Condit and Alvarado-Gil were driving, according to the lawsuit, and pulled over to use the restroom. After Condit returned to the car, “she had her pants pulled down and said, ‘I want you to kiss it and prove your loyalty.’”
Worn down by months of his boss’s pressure, Condit “acted without thinking” and proved his loyalty in the prescribed manner, says the lawsuit, which explains that this was the first of multiple occasions when he proved his loyalty in the ensuing months.
This passage from the lawsuit is presented without comment:
“During the last occasion where plaintiff performed oral sex as demanded by Alvarado-Gil, Plaintiff suffered a back injury while performing in a car seat with his body having to twist and contort in the confined space of the car,” according to the lawsuit. “Plaintiff later went to the doctor and discovered that the injury was more severe, and that plaintiff had suffered three herniated discs in his back and a collapsed hip.”
Condit later underwent hip surgery for his injuries.
Alvarado-Gil also reportedly made Condit run personal errands like chauffeuring her daughter around and taking care of her dog. Normal chief of staff duties.
After Condit started standing up for himself and refusing to perform on command, the suit says, Alvarado-Gil allegedly fired him by text, but offered to hire his wife if he would instead resign. Man, the things bosses will do to avoid paying unemployment. Allegedly!
Beware the office romance, those trysts can be so fraught.
[LA Times]
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Ew. I just googled the movie Secretary to see if it was what I suspected. It wasn't. But it was just as gross as what I was imagining, with the potential for a side of moreso.
Then I noticed that it received consistently positive reviews. Tell me the movie reviewer industry is dominated by dudes without telling me the movie reviewer industry is dominated by dudes.
Watching Katy "bothsides" Tur, I have to wonder when stating that " some people say..." became reputable journalism. Name some names. Who are these "some people?"
Because I'm thinking they're named "Katy Tur."