Cool, thanks.
Oklawonkers, we have decided to fly into Oklahoma for our commie mommy's commiemomathon, also known as the "Pottawatomie County Democrats St. Patrick's Day Fundraiser." You could go to that! It is at Tecumseh City Hall, 114 N. Broadway, Tecumseh, at 6 p.m. on Sat., March 15. (NOT THIS SATURDAY, BUT NEXT SATURDAY.) Our mom would like it!
But since it's not really a "business trip" unless we're "marketing Wonkette" by "buying you appetizers" and "throwing up pitchers of Sangria," well, we have decided to do that too.
Join usSunday, March 16, at 4 p.m.,at Picasso On Paseo, (NOT THIS SUNDAY, BUT NEXT SUNDAY) because our mom's friend Helen said that place is cool. Pitchers of Sangria are on us! But hopefully not actually on us, at least not vomit-wise. Luckily usually we got pretty good aim! : D
An evening with Wonketeers is worth a 7 1/2 hour drive. Oklahoma, not so much.
What to do, what to do...
Will that nice Sen. Inhofe be there?