You might be thinking, "Wait, a hair salon that isn't LGBTQ+ friendly? What does that involve? Just a bunch of bumpits and girls getting fancied up to look hot for their dads at the purity ball? Aggressive French braiding situations? Still doing the Rachel like it's 1995?" And you might be right.
But up in Traverse City, Michigan — it is up toward the northern part of the state, not all the way to the Upper Peninsula but close — there is some broken trash woman named Christine Geiger, who owns (co-owns according to her LinkedIn) a broken trash salon called Studio 8 Hair Lab, and she made CLEAR recently on Facebook that trans (and we guess nonbinary?) folks are not welcome in her salon.
Got that? That's Studio 8 Hair Lab in Traverse City, Michigan, and it's owned by Christine Geiger, a total fucking asshole.
Here's her (now-deleted) Facebook post:
That reads:
"If a human identifies as anything other than a man/woman please seek services at a local pet groomer.
You are not welcome at this salon. Period.
Should you request to have a particular pronoun used please note we may simply refer to you as "hey you".
Regardless of MI HB 4744. ([KISS EMOJI] my ASS Governor Witchmere [WINKY SMILE LAUGH TONGUE EMOJI])
This is America; free speech. This small business has the right to refuse services. We are not bound to any oaths as realtors are regarding discrimination. My recent airport experience validates this. [SOME OTHER BABYTALK GODDAMNED EMOJI]"
Bet she's fun at parties and when she asks to speak to the manager and when she demands refunds because this steak is too steak-y and also other times.
So, the pet groomer thing suggests to us that Ms. Geiger is an incredibly stupid person who may have bought into those painfully obvious hoaxes about kids identifying as cats and using litterboxes at school. Or she's just calling trans people animals. It could go either way! The rest just tells us she's a barely literate conservative fascist asshole ("Witchmere"?) who took all those lies about how she's a special and talented child of God a little bit too seriously.
Heartland Signal explains that the Michigan law Geiger refers to, HB 4744, is being misunderstood by stupid people to mean that they can be fined $10,000 for using the wrong pronoun. The fact that Ms. Geiger is so upset by the possibility of being asked to use somebody's preferred pronouns does tell us what a thin-skinned, easily triggered lunatic she is.
She seems emboldened by the recent 303 Creative LLC vs. Elenis web designer ruling from the illegitimate partisan hack Supreme Court, which found that if anti-LGBTQ+ bigots who provide services are feeling imaginary wounded by imaginary LGBTQ+ clients trying to get them to do imaginary things that go against their dumb fucking religious beliefs, then they have every right to discriminate against real people. However in an AP interview she said it had nothing to do with that.
To be fair, she may not read the real news. One of her most recent Facebook posts is some creep whining that people aren't taking that fake QAnon Jim Caviezel child trafficking movie seriously. And in the same AP article, she says it's about what she's under the impression schools and doctors are telling kids about gender identification. Check out her Twitter. She is delusional batshit.
Parents of Traverse City and surrounding areas: This again is the Studio 8 Hair Lab. You probably will want to keep your kids away from there for a number of reasons.
Geiger is being rightly lambasted and humiliated on the local Facebooks, and in response, she posted this meandering comment the other day:
I have no issues with LGB. It’s the TQ+ that I’m not going to support. For those that don’t know what the + is for, it’s for MAP (Minor Attracted Person aka: pedophile)
Incorrect, you fucking weirdo. But we hear that gullible fascist white Christians are telling themselves that these days. And if gullible fascist white Christians are saying it, you can be approximately 100 percent certain it's wrong.
(Friendly Atheist Hemant Mehta quips that Geiger might be mistaking it for the cross in a Catholic Church. We'd add that it could be in a Southern Baptist Church or a conservative Presbyterian church or some other mostly white evangelical megachurch that has a praise and worship band.)
This stance was taken to insure that clients have the best experience
Does she mean the bigoted white clients with the bumpits gettin' their hair fancy so they can go out on dates with their dads to the Purity Ball? Is it just lines of Duggar impersonators around the block all getting the same haircut? We are just curious, we don't know the clientele Geiger typically serves.
and I am admitting that since I am not willing to play the pronoun game
It is a very hard game, especially considering how often stylists refer to their clients in the third person while they're cutting hair.
or cater to requests outside of what I perceive as normal
What this dumbfuck perceives as normal.
this probably isn't the best option for that type of client.
"That type of client" = a paying customer who wants their hair done.
There are over 800 licensed stylists in the County.
And over 800 who aren't publicly outing themselves as literal actual pieces of rotting gargoyle shit right now.
There are plenty of salons/stylists willing to cater to what I will not. This is a free country and I am not a slave to any narrative.
Bless her heart, now she thinks she's a slave. Because somebody might ask her to use a pronoun.
Conservatives need to acclimate these woke individuals to their new reality.
LMAO. Definitely for sure it is the wokes who need the acclimating. Not the whinyass snowflake Christian conservatives who act like they're being attacked by lions when you ask them to play by the same rules as everyone else.
Conservatives have HAD ENOUGH of their ideologies being projected onto us.We used to “just let them be”. Most of us kept our opinions to ourselves. I mean why look for unnecessary conflict; right? Well the other side used this against us. They mistook our silence for weakness and look where it got us.
"The other side" used the bigots' complete silence (LOL) to try to pass laws that say all people should be treated equally and not discriminated against. What a hellscape.
So now many of us bark back we speak out and we make it CLEAR where we stand on these issues. They can’t handle it. They aren’t prepared for this. So I am more than willing to take the first rounds of strike backs in hopes that more of you will see this and be inspired to stand up tall and speak your own truths and not simply let them be.
Okeydoke, you dumbass baby.
Geiger is facing a lot of blowback for being such a prolapsed anus. The city — which is where Pete and Chasten Buttigieg live, but we doubt they were letting Count Fistula up here cut their hair — is investigating her for discrimination.
She's had to get rid of the salon's Facebook page, and its Instagram (which says it has one follower) is now private. (You can see its bio, though, which says it's a "A private CONSERVATIVE business that does not cater to woke ideologies." Don't you trust these people to do your hair?)
Everybody's having fun with her salon's online reviews. You may feel free to do that as well. (While you're at it, go leave a nice review for this place in Pennsylvania, the Studio 8 Hair Loft, whose name is close but ISN'T THE SAME PLACE. They are getting caught in the crossfire, and have made exceptionally clear that they welcome everybody and aren't literal human garbage like Christine Geiger of Traverse City, Michigan.)
The salon hair product maker Jack Winn Pro posted a long Facebook post saying Geiger's salon, which has been using their products, is invited to please never use their products ever again. In fact she is literally no longer authorized.
We doubt a bunch of decent people were patronizing this scumbag's salon in the first place, but this is the time to find a new one if so. Additionally, all decent people who provide services in the area should shut your doors when you see her coming. It's just free speech, baby, and you don't have to be a slave to her narrative.
This is also a good time to note that, after the recent SCOTUS ruling, all good people really should follow the general advice in this viral Facebook post:

It says:
New cake purchase policy:
every case request begins with "I'm gay, and I need a marriage cake." Wait for response, and if they're accommodating, then you can say, "Actually I need a birthday cake for my son, I just wanted to make sure you weren't a piece of shit."
Feel free to sub in pronoun requests and the like to make it more trans-inclusive. And it can be for literally any business.
Smoke these rodents out of their holes.
[ Overheard in Traverse City Facebook ]
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I still think she did all this to get in on the transphobic hate grift. She probably wasn't making any money at her 'salon', so she's angling for her 15 minutes of Newsmaxx fame......
It's ALWAYS about the grift with these asshats.
Politics aside, she sounds like a terrible person, and her hair looks crunchy.