Coleman Won't Run For Minnesota Governor
Norm Coleman, one of the most celebrated Republican Blingees of all time, announced today that he would not be running for governor of Minnesota. This is an offense to the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, another very important Republican Blingee.
Former Senator Coleman and his hologram wife will not be moving into the governor's mansion anytime soon, because he is too busy rising above petty politics at the moment! Here's part of what he said in a statement on Facebook, which is sort of the 21st century's answer to the Federalist Papers:
At the moment, I am tremendously energized by the work I am currently involved in to create a positive, center right agenda for this country. ... I think I can be part of recreating a more civil and respectful politics, a politics that better expresses the will of the vast majority of people. ... I’ve learned there are lots of ways to serve without an official position. Dr. King said everyone can be great because everyone can serve. We all need to seek out how our service can do the most good, and at this moment in my life, I’ve found mine.
This will make the Minnesota governor's race at least 20 percent less interesting, without Coleman or Ming the Merciless running this time.
Text of Norm Coleman's statement on Facebook []