Cow Porn Judge Officially Admonished
Ha ha ha we randomly clicked on this LA Times headline thinking, "Alex Kozinski, isn't she that rich NYT gal with the plastic surgery and the surrogates?" But no, duh, the name should ring a bell because Alex Kozinski is the infamous cow porn judge who shocked America last June with revelations that he kept pubic-hair shaving instructionals and other naughty photos, such as naked ladies painted like cows, on some (whoops!) publicly accessible Web page.
Well, a panel of federal judges finally got around to admonishing him, a year later, for being such an El Grosso. He still gets to keep his job as the Chief Judge of the 9th Circuit and everything, though.
Poor Judge Kozinski! Let this be a lesson to you: If you connect your private home server to the Internet, do not keep your very mildly titillating photo collection in a folder marked "/stuff," which is accessible to anyone who knows to type in that extension. Otherwise you will be humiliated, and some gal named "Sonia Sotomayor" will get that Supreme Court nomination you've been waiting for.
Alex Kozinski admonished for raunchy Internet files [Los Angeles Times]