Cow Porn Judge's Stash Revealed!
No, sickos, we are not going to reveal those photos on the front page of this FAMILY PUBLICATION. Instead we will show you a clip from Judge Alex Kozinski's appearance onThe Dating Gamemany moons ago, before he started amassing a collection of naughty pictures and viral videos that would shock all but the most seasoned readers ofMadmagazine circa 1970. Sexy cow-lady photo after the jump.

Pretty titillating, no?
Here is one helpful blogger's collection of the judge's archive; dirty pictures are linked so it is relatively safe for work even though you should not be looking at this crap at work.
Kozinski on the Dating Game [YouTube]
Exclusive: Kozinski’s Porn — Images from Judge Alex Kozinski’s Web Site [Patterico's Pontifications]
Here Comes The Judge’s Porn! [10 Zen Monkeys]