D-I-WHY Projects That Had Everyone Doing A Double-Take! Tabs, Mon., Sept. 25, 2023
Morning news roundup!
LOL UAW strike just expanded to oh, twenty states. (AP) And Old Handsome Joe Biden’s coming to Michigan (presumably Warren) to walk the line. (Mother Jones)
Republicans want to use the Ag bill to wipe out any and all state laws regulating treatment of livestock. Shit, they’re going to bogart all the voters with Americans’ number one issue they care most about: more animal cruelty. — Guardian
Chuck Schumer has maybe a way to get the government funded without Barely Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Clever Chook! (Status Kuo)
Merrick Garland, some dumb asshole, and the World Naked Bike Ride. — Daily Kos
Will the Supreme Court throw out Social Security with the CFPB bathwater? Wouldn’t put it past ‘em! (Ian Millhiser at Vox)
Liz is over at Public Notice writing about how Trump lit all his legal defenses on fire on “Meet the Press.”
This is a really really good longread about Never Trump Republicans, are they just Democrats now? (Yes. The answer is yes. That includes, God help us, Bill Kristol. He’s a bad Democrat, but a Democrat just the same. Also, a lot of the realignment — people voting with their feet, away from crazy — predates Trump. He didn’t invent lunatic rightwingers and fascism.) An interesting point though is that as people become Democrats, they start to take on the main group’s mores. That’s why we can understand that the Democratic Party is a big tent filled with some conservatives who left their previous party — but they have to be down with the first order of business, which is feeding children. You know who I’m talking to. — The New Republic
You know WHO ELSE targeted trans people? That’s right. Hitler. (The Weimar Republic had issued “transvestite certificates” from the police — it was indeed the preferred term of art back then, Dude — to trans people to live as themselves.) Lot of history and TRIGGER WARNING HOLOCAUST at the link. — Smithsonian
From the comments, Taylor Swift personally registering every 19-year-old woman in the land to vote. Yes, we’re all liking her more and more. (MSN)
A Black woman who owns a soul food restaurant paid off all the Ohio school’s lunch debt, but be prepared to be SO SO SO MAD. — WPCO
Let’s make salted caramel! And these other caramels too! — Craftsy Also: Sally’s Baking Addiction, for to make the apples.
LOL, these DIY fails are pretty good though. I like the boob lights. (247 Mirror)
Today's hed gif is all about badass Baroque artist Artemisia Gentileschi. I wrote (a lot!) about her on my 'Stack. I hope you'll click through and read. She's definitely a person worth knowing about.
I love that Editrix lives in Detroit now. It's just perfect somehow.