Daily Briefing: The Price Paid
•Americans losing patience with situation in Iraq, according to fresh WP/ABC poll. Strong majorities say casualty count is unacceptable and war was not worth fighting; 52% say war has not improved national security. [ WP ]
• Bushwill increase funds for Africa;Blairsays greater commitment is needed. [ WP , WSJ , USAT ]
• Bush, Blairdeny war on Iraq was predetermined.Bush: "There's nothing farther from the truth." [ NYT , USAT ]
•White House played down connection between emissions and climate change; official cut findings from government reports. [ NYT ]
•Confirmation ofJanice Rogers Brownexpected today. [ LAT , NYT ]
•Democrats insist they'll blockBoltonunless White House releases related documents;Fristlooking for his 60 votes. [ LAT , NYT ]
•Liberals express concerns about aftermath of filibuster compromise.Eleanor Holmes Norton: "Our problem with the compromise is the price that was paid." [ WP ]
• Kerryfinally releases his military records; they offer "few new nuggets of information." [ LAT ]
• Katherine Harriswill run againstSenator Nelsonnext year. [ NYT , USAT ]
•Recruiting for army significantly less than goal. [ NYT ]