NRA's Dana Loesch Got Paid A Million Dollars To Make Videos Watched By A Thousand People Each
That's one hell of a CPM.
We've been covering the grifting, self-dealing, back-biting, and civil waaaaarrrrrrr at the NRA quite a lot lately. This is because we love it when bad things happen to bad people. But sometimes good things happen to bad people. Like NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch.
Earlier in the week, when Five Dollar Feminist was researching whichever NRA post she was researching -- there were a lot okay ?! -- she asked me how many individual ("unique," AND YOU ARE!) readers come to Wonkette every month, so she could compare it to this quote from wherever:
But Ackerman [McQueen, the NRA's ad agency, which is taking $40 million from the NRA per year ] declined even to provide the N.R.A. with internal statistics on NRATV's viewership. A review of data from Comscore, which tracks web traffic, suggests why that might be: The NRATV site had just 49,000 unique visitors in January, and less traffic in March than, the website of Ackerman's hometown newspaper.
YIIIIIIKES, I said. Wonkette's unique readers -- which are at a record low since Facebook continued boning us and also you all got depressed by Bill Barr's interpretive dance about the Mueller Report -- were 459,000 in January, down from a much nicer average of 800-900k. But I wouldn't make too much of it, I said: Doubtless all NRA-TV's viewers were watching them at Youtube. When will I learn to stop being so fair?
Here's the top of NRA-TV's youtube page. See if you can figure out what NRA ad agency Ackerman McQueen (AMc) is getting paid all the pieces of silver to deliver:

Here's Oliver North's contribution, for which he is being paid [ACKERMAN AND NORTH REFUSE TO SAY]:

And here's Dana Loesch. According to The Trace, in at least one year, she earned almost ONE MILLION, and that is dollars, not cents.

We didn't leave off any high-ranking ones. These are all the videos NRA-TV shows for her.

For comparison, here's Wonkette's top 10 stories over the past week -- again, this is with very depressed readership (YOU! You're depressed!) -- and we're not really that big of a website:

And people have to READ ours, sounding out the words and everything!
Let's say that Dana Loesch commands top dollar CPMs (cost per thousand ads shown). Let's say she gets a thirty dollar CPM. (Wonkette's were less than a dollar when we finally pulled the plug on ads. Once again: THANK YOU!) Her highest earning video would have made $231 -- before Youtube takes its cut.
But she certainly can see what rakes in the big big GIGANTIC big seven-thousand-views: Yelling at women of color. Don't think she hasn't noticed!
Now, of course Ackerman McQueen isn't charging the NRA $40 million per year just to run NRA-TV. They also have to pay for Wayne LaPierre's suits.
So's you don't think I'm hiding their big guns, the tippy-top video on the NRA's Youtube channel does have more than 137,000 views -- in seven months, and it autoplays.

Their most popular videos -- which get a lot of "earned media" -- have gotten some millions of videos over several years.

Not Dana Loesch's though : (
Dana Loesch once spearheaded the boycott of Wonkette that led to the then-owner selling it to me, so thank you Dana Loesch.
Turnabout is sort of fair play.
Give Wonkette $40 million a year, DO IT, NOW!
I remember seeing the pilot episode, where she constructed a 30’ painted slat, sharp pointed wall, topped with concertina wire to keep her Mexican boyfriend out of her refrigerator. It didn’t work.
so in other words, she's a paid crisis actor.