What makes them so sure they don't already have trans women in their club?

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Or trans men in the Sons of Confederate Veterans?

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Cry harder.

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SIGH.........why? Just fucking why? What the hell does your pronounced bigotry accomplish? Who gives a rat's ass about what a bunch of old, wrinkled, white, insecure bitches are getting their panties in a bunch about?

Maybe worry about how to cope with, what I'm SURE is, your husbands infidelity.........probably with a trans female, or gay male (looking at you Matt Schlapp's wife).....

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Life is short. We get maybe 80 years or so, if we are lucky. Who has time to waste on fretting over a policy in your special club that fails to ban trans people? It’s sad.

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At 68, and with the love of my life being a person with the Huntington's gene, not yet sick, I think about the amazing phenomenon of life and its shortness (for we humans) thereof every single day. The pettiness from which all violence and disdain arise, from this kind of bigotry to large-scale BS between warring political factions and those who support it, triggers my own anger and disdain for those who would make others lives miserable over a difference of opinion. All conflicts arise from the goings-on between the ears of certain and influential players.

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These people will alter the fundamental laws of physics if necessary to make time for fretting over things that really shouldn't concern them.

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Being an inactive SAR (Sons of the American Revolution) I do have to say to those old biddies, BITE ME!

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How many DAR ladies are also MAGA and celebrate their Confederate heritage?

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Do they know the difference between those two conflicts even?

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They have this: https://hqudc.org/

And it looks like they are trying to be more inclusive and respectful than the DAR. If the statement is to be taken at face value, they repudiate that which the MAGA represents.

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All of them, Katie.

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The only other thing I knew about DAR was that Tammy Duckworth was/could be a member and this made people mad, so I already assumed that they were also TERFY in addition to (theoretically formerly) racist.

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I was kinda squicked out that they have a chapter way the fuck out here, and the two women I know who are members are ardent fans of tfg. Fuck 'em.


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Oh shit. I love Bishop, and the Palisades. Spent a lot of time there, and can definitely confirm the rw lean of folks in the area. BTW, I doubt the Palisades Glacier is much of what it once was, if it is anything at all.

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I live in Big Pine and can see The Palisades from my living room window, at least when the leaves drop from my neighbor's mulberry trees. She needs to cut them back!

The glaciers are still there, if barely. Last winter slowed their retreat a little.

I'm surrounded by maga folk, but there's more of us than they think! Just because we drive trucks and have guns doesn't make us like them.

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If this is the thing that destroys DAR, then that's just one more way that trans women make the world a better place. Thank you, ladies!

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I briefly looked into DAR because technically I'd qualify as a descendant of someone who fought and died in the American Revolution, and I noped out immediately. Looks like I made the right choice.

If I knew their motto was “God, Home, and Country,” I wouldn't have bother looking into it at all.

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Same; first, I was like, what is even the point of joining the DAR? Then I thought, they seem like a bunch of uptight biddies. This confirms my impression that these are not my sort of people.

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Then again, I have two trans daughters, soooooo maybe I'll sign them up!

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That motto is so obviously necessarily exclusive of those who are not into THEIR "God, Home, and Country". Shuck that fit.

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The only reason I ever think about the DAR is because they sent a cannon for the court-house square oh ho. So I've never looked into it at all. But technically I think I qualify as well; pretty sure when I was researching the Klingensmith branch I found a couple way back there who'd let me pass muster should I choose. Which I don't.

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DAR transpanic is so far down on my list of shit-inducing freakouts I don't think there's even a bingo square for it.

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We toyed with the idea of signing our daughter up for the DAR. She's eligible thanks to her Greatx5 grandpa Solomon Hairbold, who donated two beef cattle to the correct George in the winter of his discontent (and kept the receipts). You don't have to have served, you could just support the cause.

It would have been more of a fuck-you-very-much because she's Chinese but they haven't made a rule against adoption, and they have great scholarships. But then it turned out that you couldn't just show up and take the cash-- you had to show up and be nice to the white ladies and drink the damn tea and we don't believe in indoctrination like that. So we're just paying for her tuition our own selves.

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The only DAR member I ever knew was a much older teacher colleague of mine.

She got no more respect from the kids than the rest of the faculty did. Her nickname among the 8th graders was "chicken legs". Happily I never did find out mine.

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I've read that something like 30 million people are descended from the Mayflower folks.

My sister's daughters could qualify for the DAR via their dad's mom) yet I have never even seen an inkling of interest in the DAR by anyone.

All those eyerolls about that done by my sister and me (all our grandparents passed through Eliis Island in the 1880s or so) about that shit has had the desired result.

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Isn't the DAR's only claim to fame is that in order to become a member you have to be a white woman, not a witch and have a direct relative that served in the Revolutionary War?

What purpose other than living off a dead relatives heritage, does this Coven serve the general public?

Why do I have to log-in every other day?

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Genesis doesn't talk about America, a Revolution or daughters.

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