'DC Is More Than Just Politicos, Monuments And Traffic'
Friday, Feb. 6: The Freer Gallery is screeningLoose Rope tonight, a Persian film about two men who must deliver a cow to the northern part of Tehran in 24 hours, or else their jobs are at stake. Sounds like a typical American movie, except you'd have to replace "cow" with "cocaine" and "Tehran" with "Inglewood." 7PM. [ Smithsonian ]
Friday, Feb. 6: Journey through Dante's nine levels of hell at Paata Tsikurishvili's modern retelling ofDante's Divine Comedy at the Rossyln Spectrum Theatre. Showtimes vary. [ Rossyln Spectrum ]
Saturday, Feb. 7: Home-movie footage circa 1920s + creepy piano music = Shadow Train, Jose Luis Guerin's mockumentary about the search for an amateur French filmmaker. 4PM at the National Gallery of Art. [ National Gallery of Art ]
Sunday, Feb. 8: The website for theOur City Film Festival says "DC is more than just politicos, monuments and traffic" and is "out to proove it!" Nine short films about the forgotten part of DC will be viewed at 11AM at Busboys and Poets. [ Busboys and Poets ]
Wednesday, Feb. 11: Everybody loves NPR's This American Life, so here's your chance to meet the radio personality behind it all, Ira Glass. He'll be at the L St. Borders at 6: 30 PM to promote the radio program's infamous Showtime version on DVD. [ Borders ]