I agree that people can deduce the meaning behind weasel words, but it is still wrong to imply that something is a quote if nobody actually said it. It's bad journalism.
Oh they are aware of the date. Imagine the confusion, and the anger, as they show up with their mail in ballots and are told they cannot be accepted, but they can vote in person.
Yes. Much of it anonymously. She has done so many good charitable things, that these so-called christians should be doing, but they are too busy voting against free lunches for schoolchildren, or any help for actually born children.
I'm not a Swift fan (no offense -- her music just doesn't move me or impress me), but I'm furious on her behalf. Bergum is scum. Any person who demeans women that way is scum. (Laura Loonier did it, too -- hence my using "person" rather than "man.")
The only reason Lara Trump is not as famous as Taylor Swift is because Jews control the music industry and hate the Trump family. Just listen to Lara sing and see if your toe doesn't start tapping and your arms moving like you are milking two cows. She should be bigger than Sinatra, Elvis, the Beatles, and Taylor Swift combined! Some people have compared her favorably to Florence Foster Jenkins.
WHAT was that bit about "volunteers with clipboards" telling people to request mail-in ballots but NOT mail them in, but rather carry them to polling places on Election Day...WHICH CONTRADICTS STATE LAW??
Who are these "volunteers with clipboards"? Were they Democratic moles trying to suppress Trump votes? Because that's exactly what they were acting like. It would be like those "prank" flyers/emails/whatever telling voters to show up at the polls the day after Election Day.
My take-away is that this event was supposed to evangelize and convert the Amish to vote for Trump and dog murderer Noem and tech-billionaire Burgum's pitch was piping tar sand oil through states a thousand miles way from where the Amish live. When I think of Amish I picture straw hats, beards without mustaches, bonnets, and everybody calling each other ye and thou, but most of all, I see horse and buggy. I can't imagine any ethnic group in America less concerned with national energy policy than the Amish.
I see a lot of memes on Facebook about Taylor Swift and her endorsement that essentially say because she has so many songs about her exes and former relationships, she's made poor decisions and thus her support for Kamala Harris is further proof of that. As we all know, a relationship with a boyfriend is exactly the same as the relationship one would have with an elected representative. These idiots think they are so clever. I've got news for them om that front. They are not clever at all.
She was young, and naive, and didn't get the message on player guys, but she figured out they were using her, and dumped them, and sent a strong message to clue young girls in about them. There is much to admire in her.
how in the hell do people get so goddamn stupid. hell, even considering that they likely only went as far as high school, that's no friggin excuse. i'm flabbergasted when i read their actual quotes...
Agree. When you finally get close enough to listen, it is still shocking the willful ignorance going on. The man who said he checked on the fact-checkers and found that trump was right, sure, buddy. Did you call the City Manager of Springfield? Did he tell you his dog Fido was on the grill right now? Or did you check the same sources that the trump campaign checked, suspect internet sites? Could you enter it as evidence in a court of law? No? Then STFU.
Just to be clear, is the earpiece answer conspiracy theory that she had a single voice in her ear or the casts of Waiting to Exhale and Girl Trip all talking at once?
If Noem was there then I hope people in the audience barked at her. They should meow at Vance.
Clickbait. The 'W' word was never uttered by Burgum.
They don't have to anyone sentient knows that's exactly what they mean as others have said it.
I agree that people can deduce the meaning behind weasel words, but it is still wrong to imply that something is a quote if nobody actually said it. It's bad journalism.
Oh they are aware of the date. Imagine the confusion, and the anger, as they show up with their mail in ballots and are told they cannot be accepted, but they can vote in person.
Imagine the chaos.
Imagine listening to this shit for six months afterwards --"they wouldn't LET THEM VOTE in Pennsylvania! These are BAD people!!"
Normally. I’d say the governors should fuck themselves. They can fuck each other for all I care.
And they can both fuck right off as far as Taylor Swift is concerned. Neither of them is worthy of being in the same country as Swift.
Yes. Much of it anonymously. She has done so many good charitable things, that these so-called christians should be doing, but they are too busy voting against free lunches for schoolchildren, or any help for actually born children.
I'm not a Swift fan (no offense -- her music just doesn't move me or impress me), but I'm furious on her behalf. Bergum is scum. Any person who demeans women that way is scum. (Laura Loonier did it, too -- hence my using "person" rather than "man.")
Ta, Dom. Kristi didn't even bring the gun with which she murdered Cricket? Disappointing.
The only reason Lara Trump is not as famous as Taylor Swift is because Jews control the music industry and hate the Trump family. Just listen to Lara sing and see if your toe doesn't start tapping and your arms moving like you are milking two cows. She should be bigger than Sinatra, Elvis, the Beatles, and Taylor Swift combined! Some people have compared her favorably to Florence Foster Jenkins.
Florence Foster Jenkins LiBeLz!
Your last line made me laugh aloud. Thanks!
Wait wait wait...
WHAT was that bit about "volunteers with clipboards" telling people to request mail-in ballots but NOT mail them in, but rather carry them to polling places on Election Day...WHICH CONTRADICTS STATE LAW??
Who are these "volunteers with clipboards"? Were they Democratic moles trying to suppress Trump votes? Because that's exactly what they were acting like. It would be like those "prank" flyers/emails/whatever telling voters to show up at the polls the day after Election Day.
The diversity in that picture! The diversity!
So much whiter shade of pale.
What was the audience response? Did people stay for the whole thing?
I hope no dogs were harmed in Morgantown while Kristi Noem was there.
My take-away is that this event was supposed to evangelize and convert the Amish to vote for Trump and dog murderer Noem and tech-billionaire Burgum's pitch was piping tar sand oil through states a thousand miles way from where the Amish live. When I think of Amish I picture straw hats, beards without mustaches, bonnets, and everybody calling each other ye and thou, but most of all, I see horse and buggy. I can't imagine any ethnic group in America less concerned with national energy policy than the Amish.
These are Mennonites, but close!
I see a lot of memes on Facebook about Taylor Swift and her endorsement that essentially say because she has so many songs about her exes and former relationships, she's made poor decisions and thus her support for Kamala Harris is further proof of that. As we all know, a relationship with a boyfriend is exactly the same as the relationship one would have with an elected representative. These idiots think they are so clever. I've got news for them om that front. They are not clever at all.
She was young, and naive, and didn't get the message on player guys, but she figured out they were using her, and dumped them, and sent a strong message to clue young girls in about them. There is much to admire in her.
Taylor Swift stays out too late
Got nothing in her brain
That's what Burgum says, mm-hm
That's what Burgum says, mm-hm
She goes on too many dates
But she can't make 'em stay
At least that's what Burgum says, mm-hm
That's what Burgum says, mm-hm.
“He added that there were “four-times” as many people as expected.”
So they were only expecting ~79 people?
They do sound mathematically impaired, don't they?
how in the hell do people get so goddamn stupid. hell, even considering that they likely only went as far as high school, that's no friggin excuse. i'm flabbergasted when i read their actual quotes...
Agree. When you finally get close enough to listen, it is still shocking the willful ignorance going on. The man who said he checked on the fact-checkers and found that trump was right, sure, buddy. Did you call the City Manager of Springfield? Did he tell you his dog Fido was on the grill right now? Or did you check the same sources that the trump campaign checked, suspect internet sites? Could you enter it as evidence in a court of law? No? Then STFU.
Probably checked Fox and RT, who assured him it was true.
Just to be clear, is the earpiece answer conspiracy theory that she had a single voice in her ear or the casts of Waiting to Exhale and Girl Trip all talking at once?
She was bumpin' some Beyoncé.
How do the earpieces make TFG say stupid shit is what I want to know....
Now now Gary. Let’s not go making sense of their nonsense.
But it breaks my brain.....