How did they even have the right to do that? Did parents give their consent? Did they do it regardless of whether parents consented? My son isn't old enough for high school yet, and I have no idea if that goes on at our high school, but I do know that I will never give consent for him to be searched, especially like that. They just have no right. I don't care what they say.

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At my son's elementary school the school nurse can't administer any medication that doesn't have a doctor's note saying the child needs to take it and how much, etc. I have had to go to school to give my child medicine before. I have no idea what the policy is at the upper grades.

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In the 70's, high schools had smoking areas for students. Ours was at the handball courts outside the gym. Lots of things were smoked there.

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This is the problem with moral panics, which always seem to be inflicted upon girls and women.I would have those people who 'examined' the girls be charged with whatever sexual crimes that can be charged in each state - NO EXCEPTIONS

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USA is the answer.

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In some charter ''schools'' administrative staff are also teachers.

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They can also be bullied just cause they don't like the same things that other kids do and are very studious and not interested in sports.For me that lasted from grades 1-9,

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I just got here late and essentailly said the same thing and also that those people should all been arrested for whatever laws would be applicable for sexual molesters

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As are the faux progressive ones that ususally have almost all white kids with well-off parents.

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Why do you say that? Fascists and their ilk come in all colours, although admittedly most are white.

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While one of the gym teachers was really stupid, I did have a slight run-in with one.We had shirts from gym class with the school name and ''Phys Ed" and a number on them.Some asshole kid stole mine and replaced it with one that said "Sex Ed'' and the number '69' on it.The teacher hassled me about it and I told him what had happened and that if he really wanted to do the right thing he'd search all the other boys' lockers and find my REAL shirt.And then I finished it with if you don't want to do that then I will go with you right over to the Vice-Principal's office and he can call my mom WHOM HE KNOWS!

Ultimately he did nothing, didn't even bother trying to find my real shirt, and I continued to wear the fake one till the end of school. But NONE of the gym teachers hassled me about it after that.

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Well, not since TFG is in with them on LIV Golf - he's their US grift associate.

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In my high school it was also right outside the cafeteria.

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I still would not have done that. I was bullied from 1st grrade through 9th and I never hit back. If fact to this day I have never hit a person intentionally. The only time was in a student film where I was supposed to fight with someone. I accidentally hit the guy in his eye on the first take as I did not know how to pull a punch. Iroically that take got used in the film as the other two looked fake.

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Uh, you are a teacher, and you made all these errors???

"I'm a bit take aback..." - should be TAKEN aback.

'this is a Charter school' - charter should not be capitalised, unless part of the name of a particular school

on the other hand Title I should be

backpack and backpacks are both one word

Chomebook, a product name, should be capitalised.

Hope your district doesn't see this

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See also Jack Nicholson, who has never been charged for ading and abetting Roman Polanski's rape of a 13-year old girl.

Washington Post at the time...

Polanski Named In Rape Charge

Polish film director Roman Polanski, widower of murdered actess Sharon Tate, was free on bond today on charges of luring a 13-year-old girl to the home of Jack Nicholson under the pretext of photographing her, then drugging and raping her [in Nicholson's jacuzzi]*

Polanski, 43, was arrested by police to Beverly Wilshire Hotel Friday night following the incident Thursday night at Nicholson's Bel Air home.

And before anyone asks, Nicholson DID know about it*added by me

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