Eric and Donald Trump Jr., classy as fuck
Not content with throwing black people out of every rally, sometimes with their fists, the Donald J. Trump Campaign To Make America White Again has been credentialing actual White Power dudes -- like, the tattooed prison militia actual ones, not just people running for senator from the great state of Mississippi -- as members of the media! (It has also been allowing them to interview Donald Trump's idiot son, Donald Trump Jr. -- the one we used to watch "advise" his father on "The Apprentice" by saying, DIRECT QUOTE, "DURR HURR FLURBLE GAR," with his finger LITERALLY IN HIS NOSE or at least that is how we remember it.)
The boy's no Ivanka, that is for sure.
[contextly_sidebar id="q9ZTbdMULf3kjDL9O6jFdTPACS9jdSTQ"]But oh pussyfuckshit, the Trump campaign surely didn't mean to credential an actual White Power dude -- James Edwards, host of "Political Cesspool" -- for its Memphis campaign event. Why, "Mr." Trump has repeatedly disavowed all these white supremacists until he is blue in the face, by declining to disavow them without a fair hearing because Robert Byrd and BOTH SIDES DO IT.
But how was the Trump campaign supposed to know Edwards was a Real Deal Jackhole and not just your typical member of the RNC? It's not like he states on his website that it's a "pro-White" program that wishes "to revive the White birthrate above replacement level fertility." Edwards has also claimed that Martin Luther King Jr.'s "dream is our nightmare," "interracial sex is white genocide," and "slavery is the greatest thing that ever happened to" African-Americans.
The show openly states on its website that it's a "pro-White" program that wishes "to revive the White birthrate above replacement level fertility." Edwards has also claimed that Martin Luther King Jr.'s "dream is our nightmare," "interracial sex is white genocide," and "slavery is the greatest thing that ever happened to" African-Americans.
Oh. : (
Okay, but the Trump campaign says it doesn't actually look into everyone who asks it for a credential, and that everyone who wanted to go to their Memphis rally got to go. (Hahahaha, weirdly, NOPE.) They are very free and easy and loosey-goosey and come one come one all open door for everyone, right?
[contextly_sidebar id="xlkqbXuc6ZZi481fI1ypocP881ui24AH"]Security protocols? For little ol' us? Aw, hell, we didn't want to go anyway. The last thing you want to hear at a Trump rally -- and hell, one of these days it will probably be the last thing someone hears at all -- is "LOOK A JOURNALIST!"
By which we mean they are actual Nazis -- yes, even more Nazi than giving people healthcare. Just kidding, that's UNPOSSIBLE.
[ LGF / MediaMatters ]
Yes because every time a white man has sex with a black woman, or a white women has sex with a black man they're murdering a bunch of white babies by not bringing them into the world. God racists lack logic.
Yes of course since you're killing the same number of white babies.